The Criminalisation of Indian Politics | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.
The Criminalisation of Indian Politics
Scheme of the Essay
Exposition: An example of criminals in politics.
Rising Action: Election Commissioner’s efforts to cleanse politics.
(1) Lust for power makes the politicians get help from criminals.
(2) As the real spirit of democracy is missing there is a nexus between the politicians and criminals.
(3) Criminals are feared and respected
(4) Politicians survive because of criminals
(5) The Election Commission should check the entry of criminals into politics.
(6) Enlightened voters can check the entry of criminals into politics.
Ending: If the criminalisation of politics is not stopped democracy will become unpopular.
Ramesh Sharma, the alleged frontman of Dawood Ibrahim, indulged not only in extorting money and grabbing properties but also in politics and floating a political party. It is alleged by the investigators that he had close proximity with many important politicians. Some think his case is the tip of the iceberg as far as the criminalisation of Indian politics is concerned. The Election Commissioners, T.N. Seshan and his successor M.S. Gill tried to cleanse the election system by invoking section 8 of the Election Law which states that anybody convicted under specified offence and awarded specified punishment will not be allowed to contest. The punished will not be allowed to contest elections. But their efforts proved futile. It is said in 1996 over 15,000 unauthorised arms manufacturing units worked overtime to meet the demands of the political parties in Bihar. Such cases are innumerable. Criminals enter politics and then patronise criminals. In the historic judgement given by the Chief Justice of India, Mr A.H. Ahmadi, on March 20, 1997, warned the nation of the emergence of new crime syndicates with a very strong nexus with politicians, bureaucrat media personalities and even with the members of the Judiciary.
In India, the only aim of the political parties is to come into power whether by hook or by crook. They don’t have ideologies; if they have, they are meant to hood-wink the common man. National interests are subordinated to party or personal interests. Had it not been so the Congress party would not have toppled the coalition governments of Deva Gowda and that of I.K. Gujral. Even the BJP government is repeatedly threatened by the constituent units over petty issues. Behind the spirit of compromise and the desire to adjust lurks the lust for power. Under such circumstances, only criminals can call the shots. They will enter politics because in India politics is becoming the sanctuary of criminals. Unfortunately, we have adopted democracy without becoming democratic in thinking, democratic in spirit and democratic in actions. Our democracy is a rigid framework of a political system and, surely enough, its soul is missing. Consequently, there is no motivation behind our participation in the democratic process. In the absence of this motivation, we are shuttle cocks bandied by the political parties. We can be managed, led or misled by being terrorised. That is why the nexus between criminals and politicians or a criminal disguised as a politician is the demand of the day. The aims of being criminals can be realised by becoming politicians and the interests of the latter can be served by the criminals. Both aim at amassing wealth and commanding influence on others. How can these realities be ignored? Dare delivery of the criminals inspires awe and respect based on fear. Honesty, integrity and humanitarianism are dull virtues which can be appreciated only by those who are lifeless and weak. So, criminals enjoy respect among peace-loving and law-abiding people, because they cannot dare oppose them. To become a successful politician, one has to manipulate, threaten and eliminate opposition. A peaceful method, for achieving this aim may take a long time and many a time may prove ineffective. That is why politicians take the help of criminals. Had Gandhi Indira and Rajiv been criminals nobody would have had the guts to kill them. Politicians survive with the support of criminals or by being criminals. How can they endanger their own survival by abjuring criminality?
When there can be a law to prohibit the entry of criminals into the election fray why it is not possible to stop it. The fault lies with its implementation; if the election commissioners plug the loopholes, criminals will not have any position as elected representatives. As far as the links of the criminals with the politicians are concerned an amendment in the law can serve the purpose. Voters should be allowed to complain to somebody who may investigate the matter. There should be Lok Nayaks to scrutinise the activities of the elected members. The representatives should be forced to resign if their actions are doubtful. Some will think that such an arrangement will trigger nefarious activities of the political parties for example to smear politicians. A judicious approach can eliminate such a possibility. We should make it possible to stop the criminalisation of politics by educating the people, particularly the voters. Criminals are emboldened when the high-ups back them and backing is impossible if the investigating authorities are independent. Enlightened voters will resist all types of bullying if they are safe. The voters should have the power to recall the elected representative. The party to which the representative belongs should also be held responsible for the errant behaviour of a member. If criminalisation in politics is not stopped, democracy will not work. It will be prostituted and people will lose confidence in this institution. So, stopping it is the necessity of the hour because criminals drive the law-abiding people who serve as the backbone of democracy into a corner. They will avoid participation in democracy and this will strike a death knell for democracy.