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Short Story ” Three Greedy Friends” Complete Story for Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Three Greedy Friends Once there lived three friends in a village. They heard of a treasure hidden in a forest . they went there together and located treasure.  They were very happy to find the treasure. They decided to divide the treasure among themselves equally after taking their meals. So one of them went to bring some food.  When he left, the other two decided to divide it between the two....
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Short Story ” Robert Bruce and Spider” Complete Story for Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Robert Bruce and Spider Play Story  Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland under the rule of an English king. He wanted to make Scotland a free country. He fought many battles but was defeated many a by his enemy. He fled from the battlefield and hid himself in a cave to save his life. He had no more courage to fight another battle.             In the cave, the king...
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