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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Young People are Slaves to Fashion. Discuss”.

Young People are Slaves to Fashion. Discuss. Young people, or teenagers, are an invention of the American exploitation of the early 60s. The contemporary hype built them up into a separate class of society, and since jobs and money were plentiful in those days, the promotion of fashion in dress, music, politics and general outlook proved very profitable. Prior to 1960, people aged under eighteen were children; above eighteen, adults. The...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Eventually Computers will allow People to work from home”, is this Desirable?

Eventually Computers will allow People to work from home. Is this Desirable? The answer is that computers already allow some people to work from home, though clearly this cannot apply to more than a limited number of people and a limited number of occupations. As to whether this is desirable, the answer is philosophical as well as practical. Computers, both analog and digital, have developed out of all recognition since the...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What Childhood Illusions have you had Shattered as you were Growing up?”

What Childhood Illusions have you had Shattered as you were Growing up?   For the student; this essay should prove easy enough, since childhood and growing up are recent experiences. For this writer, it is not so easy, the growing up period being rather a long time ago. However, it is said that as we get older, childhood memories become much sharper, so I hope that what will now be written...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “”The Arts Speak not only to us but about us”, Discuss.

“The Arts Speak not only to us but about us”, Discuss.   The instinct to produce an art-form is just one of a series of factors which differentiate us from the animal world. It dates back at least as far as the cave-dwellers of pre-history who produced wall drawings which possess both artistic ability and emotional power. Hunting is the main theme of these, but the situations depicted between man and...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What is the Value of Mathematics?”

What is the Value of Mathematics?   The minimal objective in schools in most countries is to ensure that leavers, somewhere in their teens, are both literate and numerate. And while teaching methods have changed and in some ways advanced in recent decades, where the traditional approach has been totally abandoned, far too many pupils leave school innumerate. Numeracy may be defined as the ability to carry out elementary tasks under...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “The Place of Color in Everyday Life”.

The Place of Color in Everyday Life   What constitutes perception of color is not fully understood, though the quality of light coming from a colored object can be analyzed into electromagnetic radiations of various wavelengths. White light consists of a spectrum band of shades merging from red to blue. Objects will absorb certain parts of the band and reflect others, giving a perception of color to the eye. This perception...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Development”.

Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Development.   Over the past three decades, there has been an explosion of industrial development in many Far Eastern countries, ranging from those with no workforce expertise to the far more sophisticated states such as Japan and Singapore. Most countries have some natural resource to develop, be it oil, timber, rubber or minerals and gemstones. The general process has been to exploit these resources...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “In what Ways have Modern Systems of Transport and Communication Affected the Life of Your Country?”

In what Ways have Modern Systems of Transport and Communication Affected the Life of Your Country? The impact of new transport and communication systems has had a more dramatic effect in the developing than in the old world. In the Far East, this impact will vary marginally from country to country. In the West, Britain provides some interesting changes, and it is with Britain that this essay is concerned. Many of...
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