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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What Types of Fiction do you Enjoy reading and Why?”

What Types of Fiction do you Enjoy reading and Why?   The reading of fiction is escapism, but not in any bad sense. To read is more positive than to watch television, because the visual nature of TV limits the imagination. Reading also excels radio listening, partly because the listener has no choice in the programs, and partly because the quality of radio programs is so uneven. There is a world...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Should one Aim of Education be the Development of Talent in such Fields as Music, Art, Drama?”

Should one Aim of Education be the Development of Talent in such Fields as Music, Art, Drama?   It is only a tiny minority who are born without a talent in one direction or another. Even these people are usually employable. It seems logical, in general, that one aim of education should be to develop latent ability, whatever that ability may be. However, the pressure from educational theorists today is to...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “All History Books are biased”. Do you Support this View?

All History Books are biased. Do you Support this View? This sounds a very sweeping statement. Nevertheless, there is much truth in it. The bias is not always deliberate. Every writer owes much to his or her background and to the national climate of opinion. The important thing about the writing of history is that it should not only be factual but that it should include all the facts. For example,...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What Priorities would you set for Government Expenditure and Why?”

What Priorities would you set for Government Expenditure and Why? These priorities will vary enormously according to the circumstances and the state of development of the country concerned. Assuming that the country is politically independent, but that a reasonable level of defense has to be kept for the sake of parity with potentially hostile neighbors, a large slice of the national cake is already accounted for in terms of defense salaries...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Discuss the Various Methods of Advertising and their Effectiveness”.

Discuss the Various Methods of Advertising and their Effectiveness.   It pays to advertise. The old adage remains true in principle because advertising not only sells goods but also creates the demand for new lines. The home computer is a modern example. The half a dozen big producers go in for highly competitive advertising, some of it aimed at children. They can play games, educate themselves, prepare themselves for modern living....
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What do you Understand by ‘Fashion’ and why does Fashion Change?”

What do you Understand by ‘Fashion’ and why does Fashion Change? The word ‘fashion’ is generally used to mean style in clothing, ‘style’ meaning what is popularly accepted, admired or regarded as exclusive i.e. not available to the majority either because they lack the taste or the money to follow it. However fashion applies to many other things than dress and hair-styles e.g. house, building and the general design of most...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What Scientific knowledge should an Educated Person Have?”

What Scientific knowledge should an Educated Person Have?   The answer depends on one’s definition of education, end there is no single definition. In the widest sense even the most primitive societies begin to prepare children for living from birth as a necessity for survival So do animals and birds. Formal education is based on literacy, in both East and West, that of China dating back to 165 B.C. when civil...
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