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Paragraph on “Crop Rotation” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Crop Rotation     Different types of plants take in different types of minerals from the soil while growing. This makes it necessary to re-vitalise the soil regularly. In the earlier days farmers divided their fields into three parts, they did not grow any crops in one of the three parts in rotation. The objective of this was to allow one of the patches of land to re-vitalise itself during that...
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Paragraph on “Land Cultivation” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Land Cultivation Breeding of animals and growing of crops was probably one of the initial and most important steps taken by early man. Today land is cultivated to produce food, which includes vegetables, cereals, fruit etc. The types of crops grown depend upon the climatic conditions prevailing in a particular area. In some of the poorer and developing countries the farmers lack modern means of cultivation and as such they are...
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Paragraph on “Oceans Currents of the World” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Oceans Currents of the World Just as the rays of the Sun warm the air in our atmosphere and create surface winds, the rays also have their effect on the water in the oceans. As we know, the Sun’s rays fall straight at the Equator, this results in a quicker heating of the water in the oceans in that area. As the warm winds blow towards the colder regions, they blow...
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Paragraph on “Power and Electricity Generation” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Power and Electricity Generation The advancements made by science and technology have not only developed new sources of power but have also increased our dependence upon it. Without power or electricity nothing from our kitchen blender to the heavy industry would work. Electricity can be seen visibly only when the lightning strikes in the skies. Otherwise it is quietly flowing through the wires in our houses in the form of electrons....
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Paragraph on “Natural Springs of Water” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Natural Springs of Water Volcanic activity below the Earth’s surface doesn’t only result in eruption of molten lava, it also results in eruptions of hot water springs. In areas where volcanic activity is common, water often seeps into the ground through the rocks and collects underground. Once this happens the underground water gets heated by ground heat and begins to boil. Once the pressure is high enough and steam is built...
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Paragraph on “The Earth’s Changing Surface” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Earth’s Changing Surface It is not only the activity below the Earth’s crust which is changing the Earth’s surface but contributing to the changes are also the effects of weathering and erosion. Both rocks and soil can be worn or eroded away by wind and water. When soil is left bare, strong winds or heavy rainfall carry away the fertile topsoil. Lack of topsoil makes the land infertile and bare....
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Paragraph on “Earth Resources” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Earth Resources The rocks on our planet are made up of minerals, in fact there are more than 3000 different minerals which make up the rocks. Even the sand on the beaches contains a mineral called Quartz. Most of these minerals are commonly found but a lot of them, like gold and diamonds, are rare and not found every where. Since minerals are made up of various substances, they can be...
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Paragraph on “Archipelagos” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Archipelagos Simply put, an archipelago is an area of a sea or an ocean which contains a cluster of small and big islands. Though many archipelagos can be found all over the world, one of the best and the biggest example is the group of islands which make up the countries of Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines etc. In this area there are over 20,000 small islands spread over more than 5000 kilometres...
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