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Official Letter Example “letter to Doordarshan, Suggesting some improvements in the T.V. Programmes.” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Write a letter to the Director, Doordarshan Kendra Suggesting some improvements in the T.V. Programmes.   250, Model Town, Civil Lines, Ludhiana. August 19, 20…. To             The Director,             Doordarshan Kendra,             Jalandhar.             Subject : Suggesting improvements in T.V. Programmers Sir,             With the introduction of Television in a big way, another landmark has been achieved in the socio-economic life of the country. In a fast developing country like...
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Official Letter Example “letter of pointing out the bad condition of cinema houses in the city.” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district pointing out the bad condition of cinema houses in the city.   Prem Nagar, Gurdaspur. July 19, 20… To             The Deputy Commissioner,             Gurdaspur. Sir,             I wish to draw your kind attention towards the bad condition of the cinema houses in the city. Cinema is a major source of entertainment. It is, therefore, imperative that cinema houses are run...
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Official Letter Example “letter of complaining against the use of loudspeakers in your town.” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district complaining against the use of loudspeakers in your town.   55, Model Town, Civil Lines, ….. City. September 15, 20…. To             The Deputy Commissioner,             District K. Sir,             I beg to draw your kind attention to the excessive and indiscriminate use of loudspeakers in the town and request you to take a suitable action.             This is a small...
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Official Letter Example “letter of complaints reporting the misconduct of the bus conductor” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Imagine you are Girish. You travelled from Moga to Chandigarh in a Punjab Roadways bus. Write a letter of complaints reporting the misconduct of the bus conductor. To             The General Manager,             Punjab Roadways,             Moga Depot, Moga. Sir,             I beg to bring to your kind notice the misconduct. I was travelling from Moga to Chandigarh on the 14th of August, 20…. in  a Punjab Roadways bus No. PJM...
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Official Letter Example “Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner against obscene film posters” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner against obscene film posters generally displayed by the cinema owner in the city. Examination Hall, ABC City. August 17,20…. To             The Deputy Commissioner,             A B C City. Sir,             As a dutiful citizen, I consider it my first duty to bring to your notice a very big social evil. Obscenity in film posters has become the order of the day. People seem...
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Official Letter Example “Write a letter to Superintendent of Police for theft of your bicycle. ” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Write a letter to the Senior Superintendent of Police giving details of the theft of your bicycle.   90, Model Town, Ludhiana. August 25, 20…. To The Senior Superintendent to Police, Ludhiana. Subject  : Loss of bicycle. Sir, Yesterday, I went to see my friend at his house in Civil Lines at about 11 a.m. I placed my bicycle outside his house. I forgot to lock it. I stayed there for...
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Official Letter Example “Write a letter to the Superintendent for reporting the misconduct of a police constable ” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Imagine you are Rohit Sanayal. You are living at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Karnal. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police reporting the misconduct of a police constable. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Civil Lines, Karnal, August 10, 20…. To             The Superintendent of Police,             Karnal. Sir,              I beg to bring to your kind notice that constable No. 67-M misbehaved with me yesterday near the Grain Market. I was...
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Official Letter Example “Write a letter of complaint against eve-teasing and lawlessness ” Complete Official Letter for all classes.

Write a letter of complaint to the Deputy Commissioner complaining against increasing incidents of eve-teasing and lawlessness in the city.   To             The Deputy Commissioner,             …………. City. Sir,             We, the residents of Basti Nagar, wish to draw your kind attention to the increasing incidents of eve-teasing and lawlessness in the city. It has become a big menace for peace-loving citizens. Of late, the populations of this city has...
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