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List of Famous Books and writers name , Genera Knowledge.

Famous Books and writers name. Meghdoot                                                          Kalidasa Kumar sambhva                                               Kalidasa Bhyagwad Gita                                                  Risi Ved Vyas Upanishadas                                                      Risi Ved Vyas Saket                                                                     Maithili Sharan Gupt The Post Office                                                 Rabindera Nath Tagore The Guide                                                           R.K.Narayan Ramchrit manas                                                Swami Tulsidas Harsh charita                                                      Bana Bhatt Ain-e-Akbari                                                      Abul Fazal Devdas                                                                 Sarat Chandra Dharakshastra                                                   Manu Hindustan                                                           Nirad Chaundhuri The Ramayana(Sanskrit)                                 Maharishi Valmiki...
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Sports facts General Knowledge Questions and Answers in sports field, General Knowledge.

  SPORTS AT A GLANCE   ASIAN GAMES   195119822002 2006 2010   India (First) New DelhiIndia New DelhiBusan (South Korea) Doha (Qatar) Guangzhou, China   OLYMPICS  776 BC1896 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016    Greece (Ancient Olympic)Athenes (First, Modern Olympic) Sydney (Australia) Athnes Bejing (China) London (UK) Rio de Jenerio (Brazil)     WORLD CUP CRICKET   Year1957 (1st)1983 2003 2007 2011   VenueUKUK South Africa West Indies India  ...
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Ancient India to Modern India History and Facts, General Knowledge.

                       INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION   Discovery and Time  : –           B. Dayaram Sahni first discovered Harappa in 1921. D. Banerjee discovered Mohenjodaro in 1922.   Geographical Extent  :- Covered parts of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, Gujrat, Rajasthan and some parts of western UP. Major sites in Pakistan are Harappa (on Ravi in W.Punjab), Mohenjodaro (on Indus), Chanhu-Daro (Sindh), etc. In India, major sites are Lothal, Rangpur and Surkotda (Gujrat), Kalibangam (Rajasthan),...
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Science Facts and Science General Knowledge.

  Invention                   Inventor Adding machineBalloon Computer Cinema Diesel engine Electric iron Fountain Pen Motor car (Petrol) Radio Refrigerator Rubber (Valcanized) Tank Television Typewriter Aeroplane Barometer Watch Dynamite Electric lamp Gramophone Printing press Razor  (Safety) Revolver Scooter Telephone Thermometer X-ray     PascalJaccques and Joseeph Montgolfier Charles Babbage A.L. and J.L. Lumiere Rudolf Diesel H.W. Seeley L.E. Waterman Karl Benz G. Marconi J....
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List of Boundary Lines India & world, General Knowledge.

  BOUNDARY LINES   Mc Mohan Line : Boundary between China and India. Durand Line : Boundary Line between Pakistan and Afghanistan Hindenberg Line : Boundary between Germany and Poland. Maginot Line : Boundary between France and Germany 17th Parallel : Boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam 38th Parallel : Boundary between North Korea and South Korea. 49th Parallel : Boundary between U.S.A. and Canada Red Cliffine : Boundary between...
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Noble Prize winners from India, General Knowledge.

NOBLE PRIZE WINNERS   Rabindra Nath Tagore for Literature in 1913. V. Raman for Physics in 1930. Hargobind Khurana for medicine in 1968. Mother Teresa for Peace in 1979. Chander Shekhar for Physics in 1983. Amartya Sen for Economics in 1998. Sir VS Naipaul for Literature (citzen of Trinidad and Tobago) (PIO) Kailash Satyarthi  for Peace in 2014 (click here for Kailash Satyarthi facts)
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