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Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her selection in the school debate team. Friendly Letter

Write a letter to your friend congratulating her on her selection in the school debate team.   309 Hamilton B wing Cross Road Worli Mumbai 21st June Dear Srishti My heartiest congratulations to you on your selection in the school debate team. I was glad to know that you are going to represent your school in the inter school debate competition. Hope that must have started with the practice for the same...
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Letter to your friend living in another city describing what your school is like and also the new things that have been introduced

Write a letter to your friend living in another city describing what your school is like and also the new things that have been introduced there since the year began. Anubhuti CHS Station Road no. 2 Mumbai Maharashtra 12th July 201­4 Dear Sanah How are you? How is life at school? I am writing this letter to tell you about my new school. Even though my school located far from the...
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Letter to a Friend, giving your impression of the General English paper of High School Examination, Friendly Letter Writing

Letter to a Friend, giving your impression of the General English paper of High School Examination My Dear Kumar, My examination is over and I think I have done all my papers fairly well. The question papers in almost every subject were not very difficult, but I will write here particularly about the General English Paper. You known English has never been my strong point and I was rather worried about...
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Write a Letter to your friend, giving a Brief Description of the Election of your College, Friendly Letter Writing

Letter to your friend, giving a Brief Description of the Election of your College My Dear Gurbir, I have just in receipt of your letter, I am glad to know you have been elected a member of the Mock Parliament of your college Union. Hearty congratulation ! I wish you well in this new role of yours in the college career. Let me tell you the most thrilling and exciting election...
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