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Essay on “Black Money In India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

BLACK MONEY IN INDIA OR THE MENACE OF BLACKMONEY OR THE TAINTED WEALTH IN THE COUNTRY OR IMPACT OF BLACK MONEY ON INDIAN ECONOMY                 Illegally earned money is called black money.  It is the result of hoarding, smuggling, tax evasion and dealing in immovable property for which the consideration is paid in black.  It has been beyond the control of the Government.  The black money has already created a serious...
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Essay on “Drug Addiction or The increasing use of intoxicants ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

DRUG ADDICTION OR THE INCREASING USE OF INTOXICANTS                 The use of intoxicants is as old as civilization itself.   In varying degrees, people in all parts of the world have been using intoxicants in one form or the other.  In olden days, this use was confined to some happy or festive occasions only.  But as time passed and life became more and more complex and busy, use of intoxicants went on...
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Essay on “Reservation Controversy Alive Again or Against Reservation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

RESERVATION CONTROVERSY ALIVE AGAIN OR THE GHOST OF MANDAL ROCKS THE COUNTRY OR A CASE FOR AND AGAINST RESERVATION   The Reservation controversy that had been lying in a state of hibernation for the last few years, was brought to life by Arjun Singh, the Human Resources minister in the UPA government when he announced that 27 per cent of the seats would be reserved for Other Backward Classes in all...
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Essay on “Regionalism and Nationalism or National Integration ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

NATIONAL INTEGRATION OR REGIONALISM AND NATIONALISM OR INDIA’S UNITY IN DIVERSITY OR THE DANGERSOFGR OWING REGIONALISM                 “Breathes there the man with soul so dead, who to himself hat never said :                 This is my land.”                                                                                — Sir Walter Seon                   By ‘National Integration’ is meant an innate sense and an abiding feeling of unity and oneness amongst the constituents of nation.  It implies a realization on behalf of...
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Essay on “Brain Drain” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

BRAIN DRAIN Essay No. 01 According to a UN definition, the flight of talent that is required for a country’s development to another country is called brain drain.  We have been experiencing this problem ever since we won out freedom.  It was with great effort and high hopes that we set up our institutes of higher education. It is unfortunate that thousands of our doctors and engineers are leaving the country...
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Essay on “One Day Cricket Match ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

ONE DAY CRICKET—THE CRAZE OF THE DAY                   Game is a game ; one must play it in the spirit of game.                                  — Anonymous                   Cricket is a game known for its wonderful glories, fluctuating fortunes and tantalizing suspense.  It is popular with men and women of all ages and almost all times.  Whenever there is a cricket match, people crowd the playing fields in thousands or sit...
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Essay on “Future of English in India ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

FUTURE OF ENGLISH IN INDIA OR LANGUAGE PROBLEM IN THE COUNTRY TODAY OR SHOULD ENGLISH BE ABOLISHED AS A SUBJECT OF STUDY?   India is a vast country inhabited by people speaking different languages.  Languages has, therefore, been a very controversial issue right since India became free.  Different political leaders and educationists have been expressing different opinions on the subject.  Even today the issue remains as unresolved as it was half...
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