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Essay on “A Journey in a Crowded Train” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Journey in a Crowded Train Or An Experience in a Crowded Railway Compartment Or Travelling in a Second Class Compartment Or A Memorable Train Journey   Travelling it is said, is a source of education and delight.  I hold a different opinion.  It is source of education all right but it is no more a delight in the present day India.  The population of the country is increasing at a...
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Essay on “An Ideal Budget” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Ideal Budget   Man is supposed to be a rational being.  Rationality consists in foreseeing the future and planning things at the proper time.  The planning to meet the demands of the future in the best possible way with the help of the resources available with a man or a country, is called budgeting.  A budget is a financial statement or a plan which shows the revenue and the expenditure...
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Essay on “An Ideal Student” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Ideal Student Or Duties of an Ideal Student 9 Best Essays on ” An Ideal Student”   Not difficult to be somebody It is not difficult to be something or somebody but it is difficult to be something or somebody particular. In his famous play, “As You Like It,” Shakespeare presents the following picture of a schoolboy. “The whining schoolboy, with his satchel And shining morning face, Creeping like a...
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Essay on “The Concept of Secularism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Concept of Secularism                   “There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it.”             — G.B.Shaw                 India is a great country full of diversities of several types.  People profession different religions and having different modes of worship, speaking different languages, wearing different dressed and having different eating habits live in it.  But in spite of this mind boggling diversity, there certainly runs through them a...
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Essay on “Country Life Versus Town Life” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Country Life Versus Town Life Or God Made The Country : Man Made the Town Or Urban Life Versus Rural Life Or Village Life Versus City Life                                   “God made the country, man made the town,                                 What wonder then that health and virtue                                 …………………. Should most abound                                 And least be threatened in fields and groves.”                                                   — William Cowper                                   How right William Cowper was! Life in...
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Essay on “Life in a Big City” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Life in a Big City Or A Big City Or Urban City                                   “God made the country, man made the town,                                 What wonder then that health and virtue should most abound                                 And least be threatened in the fields and groves.”                                           — William Cowper                                   How right William Cowper was! Life in a village is simple and peaceful.  It is free from the hurries and worries of life. ...
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Essay on “Pleasures of Mountaineering” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Pleasures of Mountaineering Or Mountain Climbing   Mountaineering, which is plain words means climbing mountains, is one of the most thrilling sports in the world.  A mountaineer feels a sense of accomplishment when he stand aloft his choses peak after hard trials and tribulations.                                 Mountains have a peculiar charm.  The greenery, the snow, the flowers, the flora and fauna, and the springs and rivulets present a spectacle which is at...
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