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Essay on “Biodiversity – Relevance and Conservation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Biodiversity –  Relevance and Conservation Threats to biodiversity have been increasing and they have been recognized by scientists and environmentalist groups. Biological diversity is the term used to describe the complete array of species-plant, animal and insect-that live on land and under water. It is very essential for the normal functioning of ecosystem and the biosphere as a whole. It has a great significance for its ecological, social, economical, cultural...
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Essay on “Conservation of Forests” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Conservation of Forests Essay No. 01 Floods, population problems and other environmental hazards have been increasing. The environmental hazards in this country have not reached the stage prevailing in several highly industrialized countries. We are, however heading to it. Lack of adequate vegetate cover in the catchments or watersheds of our rivers and streams, exploitation of our hill forests indiscriminately to meet the ever-increasing needs of population, the indiscriminate lopping,...
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Essay on “Forests for National Welfare ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Forests for National Welfare  Few sights are more beautiful than trees whether in flower or with their branches laden with fruit or just the countless variety in shape and colour of leaf and of the tree itself. Trees are amongst man’s most reliable friends and a country which cares for its future must take good care of its forests. It is indeed sad that in India, hillsides in almost all...
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Essay on “Educational Reforms in India ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Educational Reforms in India Education is very important for any individual as well as nation. Education helps in all round development of personalities which ultimately help the nation in becoming great and powerful. Unfortunately educational planning and implementation has not been quite satisfactory. Many shortcomings have come to the forefront which ultimately derail the developmental activities. That is why educational reforms have become the most in India to...
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Essay on “Poverty Eradication Programmes-How Far Successful?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Poverty Eradication Programmes-How Far Successful? Poverty is the greatest problem India is facing today. Poverty is a curse on Indian society. More than 40% of India’s population lives below poverty line. They do not have enough money to have two meals per day. Various planning and programmes have been introduced to fight this disease but the result has been far from satisfactory. Poverty apart from economic factor has various psychological...
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Essay on “Fifty Years of Indian Planning” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Fifty Years of Indian Planning Planning is very essential for any nation to achieve economic development. When India attained its independence, it has to face problems like poverty, economic inequality and social inequalities, etc. In order to achieve the goal of economic development, India planned its economy. It went for five years plans started in 1951. Planning Commission and National Development Council were set up. In the last fifty years...
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Essay on “Impact of Economic Reforms” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Impact of Economic Reforms Economic reforms were introduced in India in 1991 to check the declining performance of Indian economy at home and abroad. The measures taken were privatization as a part of liberalization to integrate into the world economy so that India does not fall behind in the process of globalization. Our liberalization remained partial and so was its impact. The economic reforms could not touch the poorest of...
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Essay on “Problem of Rural Indebtedness in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Problem of Rural Indebtedness in India Indians live in villages and on their betterment depends the success of our democracy. Apart from banning bonded labour, plan for liquidation of rural indebtedness has been mooted out. We can confer human rights and achieve the human purposes by securing economic freedom for the villagers. We must use the energy of the farmers for productive purposes. Till villagers participate in the working of...
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