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MEETING PEOPLE Situation: A seminar on Management is held at the Hilton hotel. Tom and Ana are among the many attendants. They try to strike a conversation during break-time. Tom: Hi, I am Tom. Ana: I am Ana. Tom: This is a pretty good seminar so far, huh? Ana: Yes, I like it. Prentice Hall always delivers good seminars. All of its speakers are very well-known and also very knowledgeable in...
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January 6, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
PROMOTION Situation: Tom was just promoted to a managerial position, and he is concerned about the fact that he has never managed people before. Lucy is trying to reassure Tom that he will be doing fine in the new position. Tom: I have really good news today. Oh! I am so happy. Lucy: What is your good news, Tom? Tom: I got a promotion today. You are looking at the new...
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January 6, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygoureVirtualGuruNo Comment
CHANGING A CUSTOMER’S ORDER Situation: Jane just received a new purchase order from one of the customers. She tries to discuss the necessary actions with Lynn. Jane: Lynn, please come to my office. I just received a revised purchase order from one of our customers. Lynn: I am here. Jane: Lynn, remember the order we received from Colors House two weeks ago? Lynn: The one for a lot of 500 oak...
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January 6, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
ON THE PRODUCTION FLOOR Situation: To better understand the operation at Lintel, John pays a visit to the Production manager on his second day at work. He tries to get some information on the manufacturing process at Lintel. John: Good morning, Steve. My name is John, and I am the new person in the Finance Department. Steve: Good morning, John. What can I do for you? John: As a new person, I...
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January 4, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
FIRST DAY AT WORK Situation: John was hired as a financial analyst by Lintel. Today is John’s first day at work. Mike: Good morning, John. John: Good morning, Mike. Mike: Let me take you to your cubicle and then I will give you a tour of our facility. Mike: Here is your cubicle, your “home away from home” from 8:00 to 5:00 every day, John. John: Oh, very nice! Mike:...
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January 4, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
JOB INTERVIEW Situation: Lintel, a computer chip manufacturing company, currently has a job opening in its Finance department. John Miller is the first applicant to be interviewed this morning by Lintel’s Finance Manager Mike Gates. Mike: Good Morning, John. I am Mike. John: Good Morning. Mike: How are you doing? John: I am doing fine. Thank you. Mike: How was the traffic coming over here? John: I am so glad that...
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January 4, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
LOOKING FOR A JOB Situation: John just graduated with a Bachelor degree in Finance. As a result, he wants to find a job in his field of studies instead of continuing to hold his current Payroll position. Nancy: Hi. It is good to see you, John. John: Same here, Nancy. It has been a long time since I last saw you. Nancy: Yes, the last time we saw each other...
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January 4, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
FORMAL CONVERSATION Situation: Jane, Leslie, and Mary are having lunch at the restaurant. Since they will have to give a presentation on etiquette rules next week, they try to practice by talking very formally to each other. Jane: Leslie, may I borrow your cell phone to call my mother after we finish lunch? Leslie: Yes, of course, Jane. And please, do not forget to ask your mother whether you may go...
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January 4, 2016 evirtualguru_ajaygourASL TestNo Comment
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