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CBSE ASL Speaking Task 3 Answer for Class 10, “Students litter the premises during school dispersal” Task 3

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills Class-X (2016-17) Speaking Test (Prompts) Task 3 Prompt You have noticed that a lot of students litter the premises during school dispersal. With your partner, discuss: 1. The reasons why they do this? 2. Ways of discouraging this habit. Follow-up questions a) Would it be a good idea to …?Why/why not? b) How easy/difficult do you think it would be for you…? c) Do you...
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CBSE ASL Answer for Class 11, “schoolmates talented football and kho-kho players” Task 4

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills Class-XI (2016-17) Speaking Test (Prompts) 4 Task 4 Prompt Some of your schoolmates are extremely talented football and kho-kho players. However, your school just offers cricket and volleyball coaching.With your partner, discuss: 1. How this impacts the students who play football and kho-kho? 2. The ways in which this situation can be resolved. Follow-up questions a) How easy/difficult do you think it would be for...
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CBSE ASL Answer for Class 10, “Classmate has been Missing the House Meetings”

You have noticed that your classmate has been missing the house meetings and has been spending time in library instead. Why your friend is doing this? How you would encourage your friend to attend the meeting? Candidate A:  Hello! Rohan,  did you attend the house meeting yesterday? Candidate B: Yes, Mohan, I was there. It was wonderful. Candidate A:  Yes, attending a house meeting is always a good experience. But….. Candidate...
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