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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute with outline, 5 Minute Test 49

new-doc-47_7Many Hon’ble Member have expressed their views on Kashmir issue. With regard to the Bill that has been brought by 20 the Hon’ble Finance Minister and the approval sought by him for the budget, I would say that Government would have 40 to be given some powers to deal with the situation that exist in Kashmir at present. The provision that has 60 been made in the Bill is to facilitate inquiry in case the people have any difficulty or complaint. I would 80 like to mention two-three points in this regard.

            Some Members have said that talks should be held, but Smt. Subhashini 100 has said that no talks should be held with the fundamentalists. I would like to say in categorical terms 120 that when I talk of holding talks with anybody, I mean holding talks with any Indian. I do not want 140 to go into the question as to who is fundamentalist and who is progressive. If the same person is elected 160 to this House, we not only hold talks with him but we also discuss all mattes with him. I am 180 of the view that differentiation between citizens is not acceptable in democracy. Doors for talks should not be closed even 200 for those who raise a rebellion against the State or the Government. As long as he is a citizen of 220 this country. The doors for talks should remain open to him. Some people advise me to be beware of Nawaz 240 Sharif because his intention is not good. I am not the one who is guided by one’s intention. There may 260 be others who; are guided by such factors. I am guided by political considerations.

            Pakistan is our neighbor. It was 280 a sheer accident of history that we were divided. However right from the beginning, the leaders of India, who have 300 some concern for the future of this country, have taken a consistent stand in this House that despite partition of 320 the country we want to live like brother. I would like to remind the House about what Mahatma Gandhi had 340 said on the question of partition. He chalked out a programme to visit Pakistan following the partition. Had he 360 been alive, he would have implemented his programme. We must remember what Nehru Ji had said in this regard. He 380 repeatedly asserted that partition was an accident of history, but ewe would continue to live like borthers, would understand each 400 other’s problems, would not allow hatred to vitiate our minds, this view was reiterated time and again.


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