Science Project on “Measuring The Diameter”, Project Experiment Topics on Outer Space for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Measuring The Diameter
Materials Required:
1. A ruler
2. A sheet of white paper
3. A pencil
4. A sunny day
The diameter of an object is the measure of how big it is through its centre. Even though the sun is very far away, it is so large (its diameter is about 865,000 miles or 1,393,000 kilometres across) that the sun sends us its star light in a wide path.
Since the sun can make more than one shadow of things, light seems to come to us from more than one place.
On a sunny day, place a piece of white paper on the ground outside and lay a pencil on it.
Then pick up and hold the pencil, about a foot (30 cm) above the paper.
Do you see two shadows of the pencil? Slowly move the pencil down towards the ground, until you see only one shadow.
With a ruler, measure how far from the ground, the pencil has to be taken, before only one shadow is visible.