Home » Paragraph Writing » Paragraph on “How do animals adapt to suit the weather?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Paragraph on “How do animals adapt to suit the weather?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How do animals adapt to suit the weather?

Unlike man most animals are unable to survive the extremes of climate around the world. They cannot build house to protect them from the heat or cold. The They cannot build fires to keep themselves warm in winter or make use of refrigerators to cool their food when the weather is hot. This is why certain animals are found in quite restricted areas of  the globe. You would not expect to field a camel in Antarctica any more than you would expect to see a penguin perched on a tree in an African jungle. With certain exceptions, animals are adapted to survive the weather conditions of the region in which they live. Their bodies have different characteristics to best suit their surroundings.

Although the camel tends to live in desert regions where you might expect it to be hot all the time, it may only be hot during summer so the camel may have a thin, sparse coat during the heat of summer and a thick shaggy coat when it is cold. Because camels live in areas where they might have to survive quite long periods without food or water, the humps on their backs act as food stores. The penguin on the other hand, is specially adapted to survive in the icy seas of Antarctica, with its webbed feet and flipper-like wings to help it to swim. It has dense plumage and a thick layer of fat to protect it from the extreme cold. It even has a different blood system so that warm blood from the heart warms the cold blood returning from its extremities.


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