Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Official Letter Example “Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district describing the flood situation in your town.”

Official Letter Example “Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district describing the flood situation in your town.”

Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district describing the flood situation in your town.

Examination Hall,

X Y Z City.

August 20, 20…


            The Deputy Commissioner,

            …………… District.

Dear Sir,

            I want to bring to your kind notice the havoc caused by floods in the town. The fury of floods took the people unawares. The river rose above its banks and washed away many a house in the low-lying areas. The incessant rains added fuel to fire. Some houses are still in knee-deep water. People have become refugees in their own town. The floods have taken a heavy toll of human and animal lives.

             The marroned people are in great misery. Their condition is pitiable. They have lost everything. Animals have no fodder. A viral disease has broken out. Signs of fear and anxiety are writ large on the faces of the flood-affected people. The city welfare society has jumped into the field. Some people have come forward to help the needy with cash or kind. Still much remains to be done.

            It is, therefore, requested that steps to rehabilitate the affected people may be stepped up. Kindly make a survey of the flood-affected area so that you can see for yourself the havoc caused by the floods.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

A B C.


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  1. Bibi Ayesha says:

    it was really helpful thank you for this letter.

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