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Letter to a friend abroad, visiting India.

Letter to a friend abroad, visiting India.

Dear Daniel,

Frankfurt Came home yesterday night and found a fax which made me jump with joy. You know that I could not believe that you, Karl Schiffter, CEO of one of the world’s leading engineering firms, is coming to India. But believe me, for me you are the same Karl with whom I spent three years in Harvard. It really makes me feel special when someone of your stature faxes me about his visit. How’s Sally? Hope she will accompany you. Haven’t seen her for a long time. I’m sure she must be more beautiful than before. As you have mentioned in your fax that after the negotiations and finalising the technological transfer deal, you will have a few days on hand to get acquainted with the country, I would like to know exactly how many days, you have at your disposal, so that I can fix-up your itinerary for your stay in this country and remember the moment you finish your deal, you are my guest and what you do with your accompanying officials, is your headache but you are going to stay with me and not in any five-star hotel. Failing to comply with this demand of mine would lead to the end of friendship. Remember Tara, my wife is yet to meet you and whatever I have told about you to her has aroused her interest in meeting you. Although I have warned her about your flirting attitude, but she feels that you are a harmless German. What about your kids? It has been five years since; we last met and there is so much to gossip. The idea of meeting you is making me excited and restless and to end this letter I appreciate your greatness for remembering me, even after so many years.

Awaiting you enthusiastically,



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