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Formal Letter example “Letter of Resignation and Accepting a Resignation ” English Letter Writing

Letter of Resignation

Dear Mr. Jag Mohan,

Due to a sudden setback in my health, I find it well- high impossible to cope effectively with the duties and responsibilities of my office as the president of the Club.

With deep regret I resign my post as I am leaving for seaside resort and may not return for many months to come.

Convey my best appreciation to all the members for sincere co- operation offered by them in the performance of my functions as the president.

Yours sincerely,



Accepting a Resignation

Dear Mr. Yogesh,

Your letter of resignation was read to the Board of Trustees at the last meeting.

All of us heard with regret your decision. Your resignation was accepted with the understanding that membership will be open to you at any time you might wish to rejoin our organization.

With all best wishes,

Cordially yours,


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