Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Rome Was Not Built in a Day” Complete Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.
Rome Was Not Built in a Day
This proverb means that nothing good and great can be achieved in a short period. Everything requires hard work and patience on the part of a man. There is no royal road to success. Those who look for shortcuts come to grief and thus fail in their mission. They should know that in life there is no magic wand to work wonders. All progress is the result of hard labour of centuries. Rome is a beautiful city in the world. To begin with, it was only a small village. The people who lived here put in hard labour. They converted it into a beautiful city. Its present glory is not the result of just a few days. Nor is it the handiwork of a few persons. Human civilization is also not the product of any magic. It is the fruit of man’s labour of centuries. The great nations of the world have become great after a long struggle of its people. One can’t become a scholar simply by reading a handful of books. We should not feel discouraged if our efforts sometimes do not yield desired results. Heights of glory can’t be touched without constant labour. Therefore man must have patience and sincerity of purpose.