Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Utility of Libraries” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Utility of Libraries
The word ‘library’ comes from the word ‘liber’, meaning “book”. A library is, therefore, a collection of books. There are libraries of different types, e.g. the School or the College Library. Libraries are us useful as books.
Every school or college must have a library. It creates a literary taste in students. It gives a chance of having extensive reading. It checks students from loitering in leisure periods. It is of great help to the poor as well as the rich students. It improves their knowledge in various languages and subjects. It inspires even the dullards to study. The library is a store-house of wisdom. It is very helpful to teachers also. Libraries are useful in developing the mental and moral progress of a nation. There should be a public library in every mohalla and in every village.
Our college has a well-equipped library. It has more than fifty thousand books. It is under a qualified whole-time librarian. A reading room is attached to it. All kinds of standard newspapers, magazines and Periodicals are placed on tables. Students sit there in their leisure hours. Perfect peace prevails there. No kind of noise is tolerated there.
Books are arranged subject wise in different almirahs. There is a card and Register system for issuing books. Every student seeking the issue of a book has to show his identity card. Books are issued for a week. It they are not deposited on the due date, a fine of ten paise per day is imposed. A student can have only one book at a time. There is no such rule for the teachers.
The students of our college make the best use of the library. They get acquainted with the thoughts of the famous people and authors. Poor students who cannot buy books visit it frequently.
Libraries have their own faults. They make us book-worms. Too much study impairs our health. Students contract the habit of reading only cheap novels at the cost of their course books and thus fail at the examination. A library should be used properly.