Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Prohibition” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Prohibition means banning the manufacture, distribution, sale and consumption of intoxicating drinks. In our country, majority of people, who consume intoxicating drinks, belong to the poor and working sections of the community. Therefore, prohibition to wean the poor from the curse of alcoholism has been given thoughtful consideration.
Drinking is a great social evil. Wine has been called ‘liquid fire’. Just as fire burns everything to ashes, in the same way wine consumes the physical, mental and moral energies and shortens human life. It has ruined many promising careers, wrecked many happy homes, and impoverished many rich and prosperous families. It is the biggest cause of crime. Under the influence of drink, people commit adultery and such heinous crimes as the murder of their own wives and brothers.
Naturally, great efforts have been made by the Government to get rid of the evil that does so much damage to both body and mind. It has regulated, by strict licensing laws, the manufacture and sale of drink; it has educated the people in sober and temperate habits by starting prohibition campaigns. And thanks to these efforts, the people of India are rising to the occasion and realizing that prohibition is a step in the right direction.
How can we get rid of the problem of drink? The best solution is to legally prohibit the making, importing and drinking of intoxicating liquor. This is perhaps the only effective way in which drunkenness can be put down.
But there are two or three serious objections against prohibition. In the first place, it is argued that it is unjust to penalize sober, moderate drinkers, who take only a small quantity of wine or whiskey or beer before or after the meal, simply because there are others who drink to excess or get intoxicated. One may become a total abstainer voluntarily, but it is unjust to force prohibition upon a moderate drinker. Secondly, it is argued that even those who drink only a glass of wine for pleasure, and never get drunk, would be considered guilty by law if prohibition was introduced. Innocent pleasure would be branded as crime. Lastly, it is argued that prohibition has been tried on a large scale in America and it has failed there miserably. This failure does not promise better results for India.
However, the circumstances in India are different from those in America, where prohibition has failed. Indian sentiment for ages has looked down upon drinking as a vice and crime and in fighting it the Government is fighting for a clean life.
Prohibition implies and presupposes better living conditions and greater amenities for the people. Indeed, to raise the character and health of the nation, no sacrifice can be too great. Yet for successful implementation of the ambitious schemes, the co-operation of all sections of people is needed. Prohibition has a clear constructive value and is a nation-building activity of the highest order. However, it must be taken as a social reform and not a moral and prestige issue to be forced upon, until the people are fully prepared to receive it.