Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Effective Communication” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Effective Communication
Effective communication is a very important process in every aspect of life. Nearly severity percent of our active hours are spent in communication, either verbally, listening, reading or writing. Communication is thus the capacity of an individual or a group to convey ideas and feelings to another individuals or a group to evolve a desired response. Too often in business the mere act of sending a memorandum or delivering a speech is considered to constitute a communication. However, an effective communication is only brought about if it evokes the desired response of stimulus.
If one looks at Indian organisations today, it would appear that communication is given secondary importance, and most of the managements do not handle communication with the employees particularly well.
Communication in management covers two main groups in activity. Firstly, there is the individual’s ability, to articulate based on his personality, clear thinking and skill in expression. Secondly, there is a whole system of organisational communication through verbal, written, committee systems and so on. Both groups of activities are vast but are vital and interrelated. An examination of almost any problem in human relations will probably reveal communication failure which is either organisational or personal, or a mixture of both.
For the last few years, marketing reports and newspaper articles had whipped up much excitement by predicting a day when desktop and portable computers, telephones, facsimiles machines, cable television, CD ROM, audio receivers, and other devices in the office and home would all be connected ‘globally. This shows the growing importance of communication in every sphere of activities. The year 1992 may well be remembered as the year when all those communication technologies around the world actually began merging-not just through prototypes and technology trials, but in commercial systems. And a dark horse was shaping up to be one of the leaders in the merging and provision of telephone, data, and multimedia services cable television.
For the long term, the widely touted personal communications services got a big boost. In this vision of worldwide wireless communications, individuals anywhere, indoors, or outside, can make or receive calls on a packet handset. Meanwhile, in the more “traditional’ business of long-haul optical-fibre systems several advances were made. Revolutionary system, architectures also appeared as erbium-doped optical-fibre amplifiers moved out of the laboratory into production and deployment.
Today’s business environment is changing. The average work day is longer and people are more mobile than ever before as business try to compete in a global market place. Work has become an activity, to be carried on at every place. We commonly work on airplanes, in hotel rooms or at home. And while we travel, we need to stay in touch with people and exchange information. Outsourcing has become more common for many corporate services. Employees, customers and outside vendors often form virtual corporations to complete specific projects, independent of the location. Computing is also becoming a collaborative process, more often than not done-by groups rather than individuals.
These trends are not limited to business. Consumers are also turning to technology as never before. They are looking for convenience through remote access to bank accounts, voice messaging, mobile paging and home access to video shopping service. as they struggle to regain personal time in their daily lives.
With the rapidly changing world economy, wireless-based communication has become a necessity for people on the move. In India there has been much talk about this partly because of economic liberalisation and the recant opening up of the telecom sector and partly because of the ripple effect from the success it has had in the West. While the need for looking into these technologies in the West is prompted from the benefits it offers to subscribers over existing forms of communication, many people in India (including the Government) view it as a panacea for the problems with an inherently unreliable infrastructure.
Moreover, the popularity of the Internet and online services reflects our increasing desire to use networks for business, and others purposes. The emergence of the information super high-way is giving birth to universal network access that will dramatically expand network services to consumer markets. The foregoing indicates not only the developments in but also the importance of communication in the changing business scenario. In any organisation, an effective, communication serves several purposes and benefits in many ways:
- It acts as a basic foundation of management. Since communication provides the key to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information as well as meeting of minds, it can aptly be described as the Sears and eyes” of the management.
Communication plays a vital role in planning. The making of a plan requires facts and figures which can be made available only through effective communication. In India, one of the principal reasons for the failure of planning is the communication gap between those who plan and the mosses for which they are supposed to plan.
- The formal organisation structure hinges on an effective communication system. Similarly, informal communication within the organisation is responsible for holding together the members of a primary social group.
- Communication also plays a pivotal role in rational decision-making, organisational control, as well as building and maintenance of employee’s morale.
Conflicts are not always dysfunctional. While functional conflicts may result in striving for excellence, creativity, a sense of identity and responsibility, the dysfunctional conflicts will not only lower the effectiveness of an individual but also that of the organisation.
Generally, a conflict will arise if the goal of an individual is contrary to that of the organisation. People work for personal goals. If you want them to work for organisational goals, then they must be able to personalise these goals. This means that they must have an opportunity to influence and determine these goals. Only then with they have a stake in the organisational goals and be motivated to work for them.
Conflict is also likely to arise if members in a group perceive their goals as conflicting. Often intra-or-inter-group conflicts arise from difficulties on how to share available resources. Power is another factor contributing to the conflict. Force alienates; money brings a calculated response. However, it is only openness and a participation in decision-making that can generate commitment to organisational goals.
People generally attempt to manage conflict, once it exists, in one of the following ways:
- By avoiding the issue.
- By approaching the problem and attempting to reach a solution. By diffusing the situation and sharing in problem solving.
- ‘Inter-personal conflict is best confronted’, not smoothed over, denied, or run away from.
When we are annoyed with a colleague, it is often better to express that annoyance appropriately. If suppressed, it will later led to a major breakdown.
All of us have an ambivalent feeling towards authority. We like it and yet we also do not like it. A good boss realises that some of the negative feelings expressed towards him are not because of his personal shortcomings but because of the authority vested in him. In conflict situations personal prejudices become rife and complicate situations. A limited understanding on issues unrelated to the conflict can improve the climate for broader cooperation. One should try a solution that enables a win-win situation and avoid one that forces one side to lose. Preventing conflict is also an approach made towards its settlements. Prevention means anticipating the potential causes of conflict and taking quick action to turn them into positive forces for better understanding and cooperation. An emphasis on collaboration and team building also helps to change the potential courses of ‘conflicts into positive cooperation. Hence, the focus is on recognizing each other’s strengths and planning appropriate strategies to achieve corporate goals and objectives.
Communication is seldom perfect. The reason is that there are many barriers to it. However, there are several ways of minimizing ineffectiveness of communication and improving its effectiveness. Management should be aware of its own shortcomings. No “Chain of command” or “Line of communication” will ever be completely successful in passing on information. When there is likely to be a breakdown, either individual or organisational, the management should try to select a communication channel appropriate to the circumstances.