Essay on “Imparting Sex-Education in School” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Imparting Sex-Education in School
The question, whether sex education should be imparted in schools or not, has been faxing the minds of parents, educationists, intellectuals and psychologists for quite some time. Two strong lobbies have appeared on the stage—one against introduction of sex education in schools and the other, with liberal thinking, favouring the teaching of sex. The former are of the view that burdening young minds with what is. essentially the task of adult minds is fraught with dangers. The latter argue that we must empower children with knowledge hitherto/denied to them, so that they may fight the canker of untruth with confidence.
This age of revelation has robed children of their innocence, but has not made them any wiser! The bliss of ignorance is gone, but the power of knowledge is yet to come. They know so much and yet there remain vital areas of darkness. Their curiosity has been aroused by the fleeting glimpses of the forbidden world. The evasive answers of the parents have further inflamed this curiosity. They seem determined to know the truth. Denial of this truth may engulf our children with myths and adult hypocracy. Children have more than an inkling of the adult affairs. The hitter dose of this knowledge could he administered with a pinch of sugar. Children who are the future citizens must have the right to know the whole truth so that they could decide the fate of the country and the course they would like to pursue.
According to a WHO study, one iii every ten children is sexually abused. Isn’t it thus the duty of the parents and teachers to protect children from child abuse? The primary responsibility is, of course, that of the parents. But a traditional-bound society like ours, with a -high level of literacy, is not yet ready to shoulder this primary responsibility. Also, a large number of children get minimal parental attention, living with working mothers, single parents, step-parents, or brothers/sisters from earlier marriage of their parents. The schools must teach sex to the child, like they teach hygiene or other subjects. He should be taught when and how to raise an alarm , when somebody is behaving in an unnatural manner. He should also be encouraged to complain Whenever he finds anybody’s behavior objectionable. The child must also he taught what is acceptable social behavior and what is not.
The earlier generations came to terms with their sexuality at a pace determined by nature and circumstances. They learnt from subtle hams given by parents and elders. Mothers taught menstrual hygiene to their daughters for generations. The dawn of consciousness of the unsaid and the unexpressed was signaled by the absence of the bedroom concept .in many homes, the huddled living and the roaming and romancing cattle .and animals. Sex, a healthy socio-biological concept, is seen as a dirty word. It is like a forbidden fruit which is sought stealthily The satellite T.V. programmes and advertisements have also added fuel to the fire. Children see advertisements for condoms and birth control and try to know what are these all about. They go on a treasure hunt and gather stray bits of misinformation from equally ignorant friends or cheap pornographic literature which is available in plenty on footpath junk dealers. Crime against women is increasing and violence and sex have become the Chief source of entertainment. The perversion of the natural desires has manifested itself in the form of many social ills. The answer to suppression of sexual urge is sublimation and not dissipation. For this, understanding of the anatomy and the urge as well as human values is necessary. Sex as a recreationary source has gained wide currency. Easy access to pornography, marketing of condoms not as birth-control devices hut as pleasure enhancers have popularized sexual adventurism. Teaching of anatomy and sexual urge would disentangle young minds from misconceptions, if this is imparted With some spiritual kind human values. Sex education should aim to light age-old misconceptions as well as modern hedonism. Otherwise our children would lead a life of debauchery.
Our own culture which was expected to act as a shield has proved a failure to counteract the menace of sexual adventurism and has allowed all the western weaknesses to creep in gradually. The stigma attached to the victims of sexual abuse, the gender bias and other misconceptions have stood the test of time. So it is not surprising if a sexually-abused child commits suicide. The victim and her relatives suffer in silence while the aggressor moves scot free. Education is necessary not only to encourage victims to be assertive but also to change the social values so that the victim and her family lead their lives without any stigma.
Some hundred years ago, there were strict customs and rules which prevented members of opposite sexes from Coming together. But then people married early. Now it is not possible to observe those strict rules because people marry when they are 25 or 30 years old. This situation has resulted in unwanted pregnancies, spread of diseases like AIDS and rise in sex-related crimes. To curb this trend, sex education at a suitable age is necessary. The fact that AIDS is incurable has popularized the need for sex education, The target group for sex education should be the children about to enter puberty, those in puberty and in youth. At this age the sexual urge is very strong and the chances of sexual interaction are very high. In countries where sex education is imparted properly, the family planning programmes and AIDS educational programmes have become very successful. The index of sex-related crimes has also come down.
There is no uniformity in the methods of teaching sex. One countries method may be very successful there but may come a cropper if introduced in India. If must include all the-details about sexual health— love, conception, anatomy, abortion, physiology and other related things. Education must teach children the right behavioral patterns . Any deviant behavior in children has to be rectified through psychiatric help, hypnotherapy or meditational techniques. There must be a preparatory stage before the sex education is introduced. About 1600 years ago when Vatsyayana wrote his Kamasutra sex education was imparted with spiritual discipline. The life-style depicted in Khajuraho and Konark was never the Life-style of an average Indian. Actually, it was the life-style of the kings and princes of the middle ages which was captured in stone by the sculptors to serve as an abject reminder of their deeds. Sex was sacred, so, there was no question of its being seen as a taboo. But at the same\time debauchery never had social approval. If our youth have a healthy body, they can come out of the spiritual abyss.
The efficacy of sex education in the west is very slow. A study by the John Hopkins University revealed that sex education has not been effective in the West. It has not prompted the use of contraceptives, delayed the onset of first intercourse or reduced the number of-teenage pregnancies. Those who advocate sexual education without moral values should learn a lesson from this.
Though most of the people agree for imparting sexual education, there is difference of opinion regarding the right age for and content of this education. While the government continues to dither in taking a decision, the NCERT concluded that caution should be the watchword in introducing sex education in schools keeping in view the Sensitivity of the subject and the Indian traditions.
It is true that there cannot be uniform syllabus for sex education. But it should be suitable to the needs of the children and must answer their questions satisfactorily. The sex education at Delhi and other urban areas should he of an advanced standard. The teachers for this should have special training. Such education must stress the raising of conscience among young men and the sense of responsibility towards their female partners, who should have the final say in taking sexual and contraceptive decisions.
All knowledge is essentially divine. Let our children learn the most abstract of sciences but access to the commonest of human phenomena should not be refused to them. Though knowledge is prone to abuse in the hands of wicked crooks, it is not to be shunned. In every school, specially trained teachers should promote better sexual health, if necessary, taking the help of doctors, sexologists and psychiatrists,