Essay on “Girls Education Problems and Solutions” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Girls Education Problems and Solutions
India has been making consistent efforts to tackle girls education. The emphasis all along has been to open up more opportunities for girls intellectual development. Efforts have been made in all these years of planned development to enroll more girls in school. Today for every 100 boys there are 62 girls in primary schools, 43 girls in middle schools, 36 in secondary schools and 31 in different stages of higher education.
Though female literacy has gone up from 7.9 per cent in 1951 to 39.3 percent in 1991, the absolute number of female illiterates has gone up substantially- A consequence of the population fall out. To secure better enrolment and retention of girls at different stages of education, the government provides scholarships, free text books and uniforms.
The vital subject of girls education received greater attention in the last two decades with the mounting awareness in the drive towards women’s equality and emancipating The factors responsible for the tardy progress of girls education were analyzed threadbare by the Committee on the Status of Women in India which submitted its report in December 1974 the National Plan of Action for Women formulated by the Department of Social Welfare in the wake of the International Women 3 Year, 1975 the National education policy 1986 and more recently, National perspective Plan.
The scenario that unfolds before us gives room for both robust optimism and less complacency Women are today venturing into different fields breaking the male monopoly in political arena, administration, science and technology, journalism and the like. In fact, in certain professions like medicine, nursing care, teaching, social work and the like they have proved to be better than men. Today they are briskly walking into the higher echelons of administration, science and technology, academics corporate sector, etc, not to speak of those who have made it into politics. But those who have made it to the top mug of the ladder are only minority. it is with the silent majority with whom both the government and the community should be more concerned and whose isolation from national main stream contributes to the lop-sided socio-economic development of the country.
The pictures from the different regions add up to an ugly montage. Down south, in the drought-prone Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu thousand of girls slog their days filling up match boxes and making crackers of different kinds millions of little girls in UP, MP, Bihar, Rajasthan and Gujarat are given away in marriage even before they are in their teens. In many parts of the country young girls start relieving the drudgery of mothers of large families by walking long distances to fetch potable water, Mal and fodder These are just a few illustrations of a malaise whose roots lie far deeper. For them and their parents education remains a luxury.
The National Perspective Plan for Women (1988-2000 A. D.) has suggested several measures to tackle the problem of the enrollment of girls and the unhealthy trend of dropouts. It appeals to the media to do their best to promote this awareness among the masses on the importance of girls education. A fruitful rapport has to be established between the community at large and the teacher and other education personnel. Even the programme of action under the National Policy of Education, 1986 clearly lays down that every educational institution should actively participate in bringing about this awareness. Other agencies that could promote awareness in this regard are the local leaders, voluntary agencies, rejuvenated Mahila Mandals and Panchayats, says the National Perspective Plan.
Early childhood education or pre-primary education through the vast network of Balwadis and by strengthening and universalizing the Integrated Child development Services (ICDS) would also go a long way in helping solve to problems of school dropouts at primary stage and beyond.
Some of the other major recommendations of the National Perspective Plan are provision of adequate teaching materials in schools to make learning more attractive, an increase in the number of teachers to promote better interaction between the teacher and the student which is so essential for education. For example, in Orissa all jobs of primary teachers have been reserved for women as one of the steps to check girl dropouts. A more imaginative school curriculum to stimulate creativity largely through play rather than overburdening children with formal learning, especially at the early stages of education will also help a lot.
Many steps have already been taken at the Central and State levels. The National Council for Education Research and Training (NFERT), together with the Education Departments of the states, has taken -up several measures like Early Childhood Education Project Non formal Education Project and the Primary Curriculum Renewal Project, all designed to mike education more relevant to children from the educationally backward areas. Similarly, the steps taken by NCERT to provide free textbooks under the National Policy of Education, the massive teacher orientation“ programme, which has so far covered 14 lakh teachers, the new curricular framework of the NCERF, the material provided for work experience and vocationalisation would all help in providing quality education for girls.
One of the main factors responsible for slow pace of growth of enrolment of adolescent girls of rural, tribal and other remote areas is the traditional; societal inhibitions against their movement outside the family precincts? Moreover the high/higher secondary schools in such places are sparsely located In order to ensure increased enrolment of girls in secondary education, the scheme for strengthening of boarding and hostel facilities for girl Students was launched in 1993-94.
The National Policy for Education document recognized that the educational structure had not been able to address traditional gender imbalances on educational achievement and that women and girls continued to have to levels of literacy and be marginalized from development. The document made a strong commitment to a well conceived edge in favor of women as an act of faith and social engineering. The impact of the guidelines and programmes framed as a result of these commitments is reflected in the decennial growth rate in female literacy of 9.54 per cent (Census 1991) which is significantly higher than the corresponding figure for males (7.76per cent).
In Maharashtra, there is a wonderful scheme called the Savitri Bai Phule Foster Parent Scheme. Which helps girls of poorer families to at least complete primary school education? Under the scheme, well to do parents and organizations are persuaded to adept one or more school girls anti contribute in cash or kind or both for their education. The Zila Parishad Block Education Officers and Headmasters play a leading role in the implementation of this scheme. More or less similar to the Maharashtra scheme is the Foster Parent Scheme: launched in Tamil Nadu in 1990 to mark the Year of the Girl Child to tackle the problem of dropouts.
Another scheme called Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Assistance Scheme, introduced in 1989 provides a marriage grant of Rs 5000 to girls coming from poor families who have completed VIII Standard (V Standard in the ease of Harijans and tribals), this scheme not only promotes girls education, but also eliminates the evil of child to tackle the problem of dropouts.
The task ahead in gigantic and we cannot find an easy solution to a problem with wider ramifications, Broadly speaking, girls education is closely interlinked with our battles against rural poverty, ignorance and illiteracy of the parents themselves, realignment of priorities, resource mobilisation and the total mobilisation of the community.