Essay on “Communal Harmony” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Essay No. 01
Communal Harmony
India is a country of saints and seers who have always preached the lesson of love, harmony cooperation and respect for each other’s sentiments.
If we follow the preaching’s of our elders in letter and spirit, we shall love all religious equally well and there will not arise any occasion for conflict. It is rightly written in the scriptures of all religions that all paths lead to the same God.
“God made man in his own image,
In the image of man God made Himself”
God has created mankind. But he has not divided mankind into different religions. These regimented religions are man’s own creation. In spite of this, people of all religions can still live in peace if they respect each other’s religion. Even if they worship God in different ways, yet they should try to realize the underlying spirit in each religion and that is to serve mankind which is basically one.
It is very sad that in our country often communal riots take place, sometime in UP. Sometime in Gujarat and sometime at other places. Sometimes, the grounds are quite flimsy or trivial, The people need some awakening and joint efforts be enlightened people of all communities, as peace is good for all and strife is harmful to everybody.
It is said that the two nation theory that led to the partition of our country, sowed the real seeds of communal disharmony. But, we should all consider ourselves Indian first and last.
Let us all forget our petty religious differences, if any and live like brothers and celebrate jointly each other’s festivals and make India a great power to reckon with.
Essay No. 02
Communal Harmony
Communal harmony is of utmost importance to our country for peace and progress.
Before independence, the Indian people by and large lived in peace. There were hardly any fanatics to arouse the religious feelings of people then. There existed composite cultures in several then Indian cities such as Lahore, Karachi, Amritsar, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Hyderabad,
Kanpur, etc. There were hardly any communal riots then. Unfortunately, Muslim League’s two nation theory divided the innocent Indian masses into two broad camps of Hindus and Muslims and thus started the diabolical communal riots which led to the disturbance of communal peace on a large scale and finally to division of the country.
After Independence, Indian people largely lived in communal harmony except rarely when some people were incited in the name of religion by the malicious Pakistani agents.
This communal harmony took an ugly turn in terrorist movement in Punjab which was largely engineered by the ISI of Pakistan.
There have grown up some staunch hawks in all religious organisations now and one concrete surfacing of this attitude has been witnessed in demolition of the Babri structure and burning of Rambhaktas in a train and its aftermath in Gujarat.
We should remember that our great religious preachers and scriptures have always stood for oneness of mankind and we should adhere to this doctrine. Moreover, national progress which is essential for all is possible only if we maintain communal harmony.
Not 100%satisfied…..but good for quick learning
Nice one it is a good and simple essay
Easy to revise with simple language.😃😃