Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Marcus Tulius Cicero” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Marcus Tulius Cicero
Rome : Diplomat and Orator
Born : 106 BC Died : 43 BC
Bom in an ordinary family, Cicero rose to be one of the Post powerful orators of Rome. He took up the legal profession after completing his education but could not get much recognition in it. It was his power of oration that rocketed him to popularity and fame and secured for him a high place in the administration of Roman Senate.
Oration is one of the most desirable qualities of a politician. Many a clever orators have exploited their gift of the gab in grabbing power, and later misusing that power. Cicero was not an exception either.
As a counsel, Cicero became. indispensable to the administration. He was trained in the art of oration by Appollonius Molo at “Rhodes” Island where Molo had a school. Initially, Cicero appeared to be fired by revolutionary zeal but he was an inveterate imperialist. He helped the Government in crushing a revolt. This brought him into limelight. Soon, he became a close friend of Caesar. He was, like Caesar, much interested in literature and poetry. But he could not be of any help to Caesar in his re-construction projects. He upheld the assassination, of Caesar as a significant event. Augustus Octavian eliminated Cicero after the battle of Philipi.
Cicero was an effective orator. During his lifetime his influence was felt in Rome.