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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Abu Nidal” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Abu Nidal


Palestine : International Terrorist

Born : AD 1937    Death AD 2002

In the last few years acts of terrorism are growing constantly. Thousands of people have lost their lives in air crashes. Sometime back a Pan-Am aircraft exploded in mid-air causing death to 239 persons. Many similar tragedies have occurred in the past. All these acts are linked to Abu Nidal, the dreaded terrorist from Palestine. The United States of America is constantly on the lookout for him so as to eliminate his group.

The real name of Abul Nidal is Sabri-Al-Banna. He was born to rich Palestine parents in Jaffna. His sole aim of life is to completely liquidate Jews and Israelis. He is a terror to entire Europe and Middle East. They are always scared that he may strike and there may be some air-crashes. Abu Nidal does not believe in isolated killings. He believes in public massacre that have bearings on international events.

Abu Nidal is married with three children. Yasser Arafat had founded the Al-Fateh group but despite being a member of this group Abu Nidal has differences with Yassar Arafat. He even had planned Arafat’s assassination. He is believed to have been responsible for over hundred terrorist acts. He is the person responsible for killing Israeli Ambassador in London. The same group killed sixteen people when they fired indiscriminately at Rome airport.

The group has been emboldened to the extent that it announces in the newspapers its next target and carries out the threat. Abu Nidal and his group is extremely angry with Yasser Arafat for opening channels of negotiations for peace.


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