English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Chihuahua” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination
Chihuahua is the largest state in Mexico, being nearly 250,000 square kilometer. The climate is dry to semi-arid but there is regular rainfall and occasionally extremes in temperature. The average temperature annually is 68 degree Fahrenheit. The state of Chihuahua has around 2.5 million residents. The highway system isn’t as vast as parts of the United States, but there is 11,000 kilometer of pave highways making links to the other states in Mexico. The road construction by the State Government is following the plan called “Gran Vision” which will ultimately help connect the highlands communities with the rest of the state. These roads will bring a lot of help in transporting mining and lumber products. It will also encourage development across the region of Chihuahua.