English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Bones” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination
The skeletal system includes the osseous tissues of the body and the connective tissues that stabilize or e skeletal system includes the osseous tissues of the interconnect the individual bones. The bone is a dynamic tissue. Throughout the lifespan, bone adjusts to the physiologic and mechanical demands placed on it by the processes of growth and remodeling. Bone serves the organism at multiple levels: As a system, bones permit the organism to loco mote effectively and to maintain posture by bearing loads without deformation, by providing rigid attachment sites for muscles and acting as a system of levers to amplify small movements. As an organ, bones protect the viscera and house the hemopoietic tissue (red marrow). As a tissue, bones serve as a reservoir of readily mobilizable calcium, an ion vital for many metabolic processes including cell motility, excitability, secretion, phagocytises, intermediary metabolism, respiration, and reproduction. Bones (or osseous material) serve a number of diverse purposes in the human anatomy. In addition to providing structure, leverage, protection, and support for the organs of the body, bones also house marrow, which produces blood cells.