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Congratulations letter regarding a promotion.

Congratulations letter regarding a promotion

Feb. 2, 2003

Dear Vidyanand,

Your promotion as a General manager (Marketing) was expected sooner, that it came so late is not surprising because of your non-diplomatic attitude. Accept my heartiest congratulations of having scaled the position, which you once told me secretly and I had virtually given up on you, so my happiness doubled when I came across your name in the leading national newspaper. As it goes on “Better Late Than Never”, so your success, though late, should sound pleasant music to your ears. As for your capabilities are concerned, there was never a question mark on it. I have already sounded the alarm bells to my marketing staff, since competing against you, will not only be challenging but equally fun, as both of us are aware about each other’s thinking process. For this, I cordially request you to be my guest on Feb. 10, 2003, where I have invited some common friends to share your sweet success. So, Sir, kindly be courteous enough to drop in for a couple of hours.

Yours Forever,




Feb. 7, 2003

Dear Sanjay,

Your congratulatory letter could not have come at a better time. As for your invitation to celebrate this occasion, I will definitely be there. I had virtually driven out the promotional aspect, when it happened out of blue. Well, no doubt, I was mighty pleased, but as you know my ambition, I got back to the realities and being G.M. of one of the country’s top business houses is one thing and maintaining the No. 1 position in the country is another thing and with you as the competitor, the real challenge to my marketing instincts comes now. But I always believe that without healthy competition, no market can grow. Remaining discussion will follow on Feb. 10. Till then, with best wishes.

Yours Forever,



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