Home » ASL Class 9 » CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Class IX Code IX-L-05, For Class 9, Audio 05

CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Class IX Code IX-L-05, For Class 9, Audio 05


Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL)
Class IX Code IX-L-05

Sample Audio Script of ASL for Class 9 as per CBSE Guidelines for 2015-2016 Session.

ASL New Sample Test and Examples Click here


Time: 40 min                                                                                                                                             Max Marks: 20

Audio script Code IX-L-05 For Class 9

Download ASL Marksheet in Excel Format 

Task 1                          4 marks

You will hear a radio announcement about a student volunteer programme. Read the
notes given in your worksheet, then listen to the announcement and complete the notes
with one or two words only. You will hear the recording twice.

Hello! Welcome to Green Teen Zone at 100.2 FM!
Calling all students from around the country…! Are you above sixteen years of age? Do you want to join a national movement to save India’s fabulous wildlife zones?
Then join the National Wildlife Foundation’s all-India student volunteer programme this

Apply online at www.nwf.com. Fill in the form carefully. Choose between Community
Outreach and Wildlife Care. Write a short essay on why you want to be part of this movement. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview by the end of the month.
Don’t forget. That’s www.nwf.com. Get going, wildlife enthusiasts!
Let’s move on now to the next part of the programme on Green Teen Zone!

You will hear a girl and a boy talking about a dance academy. Read the statements given in your worksheet, then listen to the conversation and choose five of the statements A-H which are correct.

Boy: Hey, Sheila! How are you!

Girl: Oh! Hello, Rohit!

Boy: That bag looks heavy…Do you need some help?

Girl: Thanks a lot, Rohit. I can manage.

Boy: Looks like you’ve been shopping a lot!

Girl: No–no! It’s just my dance costume, a few music CDs and drinking water for my dance class.

Boy: Oh! Are you headed to the dance academy down the street? It’s a new one, isn’t it?

Girl: Well! Not really! It opened about a year ago. They have a really good training programme for young people interested in folk dances of India.

Boy: Folk dances? That’s interesting. How often do you go?

Girl: Well, I go three days a week. The classes are for an hour each. What’s interesting is they teach new pieces every three months. In this session, for example, we will learn three short north eastern dances. The variety really keeps you going!

Boy: Are the fees very high?

Girl: The fees are quite reasonable and you can even get discounts if you sign up for six months or the whole year! Why? Would you like to join too?

Boy: Hmmm…Yes. I’ve been meaning to start a new hobby. Do you have any idea whether they offer weekend classes, with a longer duration, perhaps? Regular classes during weekdays will clash with my cricket coaching.

Girl: Ahh! I see. The ‘three-days-a-week’ plan wouldn’t suit you at all. I’m fairly certain they offer weekend classes too. The academy is open on all days of the week. In fact, I’ve heard that the instructors on the weekend shifts are some of the best in the academy. You could even ask for extra time!

Boy: That sounds good. Is there any certificate offered at the end of each session? Oh, and what about an end-of-the-year production? Does this academy stage a grand performance with expensive tickets like other academies?

Girl: To answer the first question. We get official certificates upon successful completion of the 12-month course alone─not for the short-term ones. Regarding the second question─yes─we do have an end-of-the-year event. But,
unlike other academies, our academy stages shows without charging for tickets. Sponsorships cover all expenses. In fact, do you know a part of our fees is used to sponsor gifted children for advanced training in dance?

Boy: Wow! That sounds good. Makes me want to join too!

Girl: Yes, I know! Here, we are. You can go to the office at the end of the hall and find out all the details.

Boy: I’ll do that. Thanks, Sheila!

Task 3                           5 marks

You will hear five short extracts of teenagers talking about television viewing habits.
Read the statements given in your worksheet, then listen to the extracts and match each
statement A-G to each speaker 1-5. You will hear the recordings twice.

Speaker 1: Oh, I love watching most programmes on TV, but my favourite ones are the
comedy shows. The reason is simple. They make me laugh. Every time I feel worried or
stressed, cartoons help me loosen up and relax. It may sound strange, but somehow, the
general atmosphere becomes cheerful. I seriously cannot imagine being straight-faced while watching ‘The Tom and Jerry Show’!

Speaker 2: Well, it can’t always be about laughter, you know. There should be some other benefit too. I enjoy learning new things about nature. I’m a great fan of channels that showcase nature and wildlife. I often feel transported to a completely different world. These channels have helped me build my general knowledge, which in turn helps me a lot in competitions.

Speaker 3: For me, it’s music and anything to do with it! I eagerly wait for the latest songs on the music channels. What a joy it is to watch my favourite singer perform on screen! I love singing too. My idea of a perfect evening is to watch the song videos and sing aloud in the comfort of my home!

Speaker 4: What about sports?! Why have none of you mentioned it so far? I think that’s THE most important reason for watching TV! It’s a world of non-stop action, with so many national and international events like the World Cup Football to choose from! Live telecasts thrill me no end because I feel connected to viewers from around the world. It’s truly amazing!

Speaker 5: My vote goes to game shows. I somehow feel that I’m a part of the drama that unfolds. I love watching teams fighting tough challenges on adventure and travel shows. I’ve even been a part of the studio audience for a game show and it was so exciting watching myself on TV when the show was telecast!

Task 4                  6 marks

You will hear a talk by a principal about an upcoming event in the school. Read the
questions given in your worksheet, then listen to the extract and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’
for each question.
You will hear the recording twice.

Good morning, dear students!

It’s always a pleasure to collectively address the student council members regarding new
activities and events to be organised in school.

Today, I specifically want to talk to you about the Talent Show that we’ll be holding in three months’ time. Thank you for sending in your ideas about the kind of acts you’d expect to see in this show. I must compliment you all on some really good ideas including short documentaries with social messages using IT, playing non-traditional instruments and showcasing lesser known dance and art forms of India!

I feel that this event would be the perfect opportunity for our students to showcase their skills and talent. I’m sure whatever they choose to present would definitely be appreciated by peers, teachers, parents and guests. I would also like you all to know that the proceeds from this show will be donated to an NGO called ‘The Light of Learning’ which sponsors education for homeless and needy children.

I want you to now think about these questions. How do we go about screening participants and shortlisting the finalists? How many days do you think we would need for this? Do we need celebrity judges? How do we publicise the event? Think about posters and pamphlets and other clever ways to spread the word without spending too much money! Remember this is a fund raiser, so it’s important we sell lots of tickets!

We’ve already decided on a team of teachers who will work with you and the participants. They will coordinate the auditions, approve the acts for the final event and supervise the rehearsals. The Head Girl suggested that we conduct two or three rounds of auditions if there are too many participants or if some of them want to change their act due to certain reasons. I think she has a point. So let’s be flexible.

At the end of this meeting, I’ll be distributing a copy of your tasks and duties. Please think about the number of student volunteers required to assist you onstage as well as backstage and for ground duties. Please could you give me a list of student names by the end of this week to handle each aspect?

Dear students, one important point─this has never been attempted before at our school, so let’s make it a memorable event and contribute towards a noble cause. I now throw this meeting open for questions and suggestions.

key 5


CBSE: Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)
Class – IX Code IX-L-05
Time: 40 min Max Marks: 20

Task – 1                        4 marks

You will hear a radio announcement about a student volunteer programme. Read the notes below, then listen to the announcement and complete the notes with one or two words only. You will hear the recording twice.

Student Volunteer Programme
1. The volunteer programme is a _________________ _________________
to save flora and fauna.
2. It is to be held during the _______________ break.
3. The two programmes are __________ __________and Wildlife Care.
4. Students must submit an _________________ along with their application.

Task – 2                           5 marks

You will hear a girl and boy talking about a dance academy. Read the statements below, then listen to the conversation and choose five of the statements A-H which are correct. Write the correct letters in the blank boxes. You will hear the recording twice.

Which five of the following statements are true?
A. The girl’s classes at the academy are three times a week.
B. The academy offers courses in various folk dance forms.
C. The boy wants to attend daily classes on an hourly basis.
D. The finest instructors are available on Saturdays and Sundays.
E. The academy offers extra benefits to the weekend batches.
F. The students receive a certificate if they complete a one-year course.
G. The academy organises a yearly performance to raise funds.
H. The academy sponsors talented students for their next level of training.

Task – 3                             5 marks

You will hear five short extracts of teenagers talking about television viewing habits. Read the statements below, then listen to the extracts and match each statement A-G to each speaker 1-5. You will hear the recordings twice.

worksheet 5

Task – 4                   6 marks

You will hear a talk by a principal about an upcoming event in the school. Read the
questions below, then listen to the extract and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ for each question. You will hear the recording twice.

1. The principal compliments the student council members on
a. their proposals for the Talent Show.
b. the proposal of hosting a Talent Show.
c. their plans on how to manage the Talent Show.

2. The profits from the Talent Show will be used
a. for a new science laboratory.
b. to build a senior citizens’ home.
c. for the cause of children’s schooling.

3. The principal advises the students to be careful
a. about spending money on publicity.
b. about the quality of the performances.
c. in the selection of celebrity judges.

4. The performances would need the approval of the
a. principal.
b. teachers-in-charge.
c. headgirl.

5. The programme will be managed by
a. a team of professional experts.
b. the parents and the teachers of the school.
c. the students and teachers of the school.

6 The principal informs the students that the Talent Show
a. has been conducted two years ago.
b. is an annual event at the school.
c. is the first of its kind.


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  1. Candy Bunny says:

    Can I please have solutions for this listening task

    Thank You

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