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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Class IX Code IX-L-02, For Class 9, Audio 02


Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL)
Class IX Code IX-L-02

Sample Audio Script of ASL for Class 9 as per CBSE Guidelines for 2015-2016 Session. 

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Time: 40 min                                                                                                                                             Max Marks: 20

Audio script Code IX-L-02 For Class 9

Download ASL Marksheet in Excel Format 

You will hear a girl and her friend having a conversation about growing bonsai plants as a hobby. Read the statements given in your worksheet, then listen to the conversation and choose five of the options A-H which are correct. Write the correct letters in the blank boxes. You will hear the recording twice.

Girl: I like to spend my free time playing badminton. What about you? Is there a particular sport you like?

Boy: Well, I’m not really into sports. I am more into gardening. I enjoy growing bonsai plants. My grandmother taught me the art and it’s become a wonderful hobby.

Girl: Bonsai? Are they a special kind of plant?

Boy: Yes, bonsai are very small trees that are grown in tray-like containers or small pots.

The word ‘bonsai’ comes from Japan where they were cultivated initially, way back in the early fourteenth century.

Girl: That’s a rather unique hobby. But I can’t understand how a tree, even if it’s a small one, grows in a pot.

Boy: I know. It’s hard to believe, but the trees are cut regularly and are trained to grow to a maximum height of about 3 feet. In fact, some bonsai are so small that they can fit in the palm of your hand. But still, they resemble fully grown trees.

Girl: Tell me, how long do bonsai plants live?

Boy: Oh, most bonsai trees have a very long life. In fact, some bonsai trees live for over a hundred years and are lovingly passed down from one generation to the next.

Girl: How interesting! I think a bonsai would also make a good gift. Next time, I’ll give my friends a bonsai rather than a bouquet of flowers that would die in a few days.

Boy: A good idea, indeed! And I could teach you how to grow and look after a bonsai.

Girl: Oh, thank you! That would be nice. Is it difficult to grow a bonsai?

Boy: Well, yes. A lot of care is required to maintain a tree’s health in a small pot.

Girl: Oh, really?

Boy: Yes. Raising bonsai requires controlling the shape the trees take. You need to bend branches with wires and cut them regularly. Bonsai also need regular repotting; this is a process where overgrown roots are cut before replanting in new soil.

Girl: Oh my! This is definitely not easy! It requires a lot of patience and creativity. In fact, it’s no less than an art, isn’t it?

Boy: Exactly! That’s why growing bonsai is called an artistic hobby. It’s an art that has no end as there is no such thing as a “finished” bonsai. As long as the trees are alive, they must be cared for on a daily basis.

Girl: True. So, when can I see your collection of bonsai?

Boy: Oh, do drop in any time tomorrow!

Task 3                        5 marks

You will hear five short extracts of people expressing their views on music. Read the
statements given in your worksheet, then listen to the extracts and match each statement
A–G to each speaker 1–5. There are two statements you do not need. You will hear the recordings twice. 

Speaker 1: I am a marathon runner and I use music to enhance my performance. Do you find that difficult to believe? It’s true, you know. Just try training, listening to some music. Time will fly and you won’t realise how well body movement and coordination have improved. I hardly feel tired even after three to four hours of rigorous practice.

Speaker 2: Maybe you have no time to listen to music due to a very busy lifestyle. But you
should fit in some time for music on the radio while having a shower, eating your breakfast or working out. You could even listen to music while driving. Listening to soft music at bedtime is also a good idea. It will help you in more ways than one.

Speaker 3: I’ve read that music helps disabled children improve motor coordination and
communication. Scientific studies reveal that music speeds up healing in patients after
surgery. It calms angry people, makes the restless more relaxed and reduces pain from a range of painful conditions. Doctors say music helps release certain healing chemicals within the body that fight pain. That’s wonderful, isn’t it?

Speaker 4: Did you know babies as young as five months respond to music? Apparently they find it more interesting than speech! Young students who choose music as an extracurricular activity develop a higher verbal IQ than those who don’t. Music is also a great bridge between teenagers and their parents and prevents arguments and misunderstandings. It’s too good to be true!

Speaker 5: Certain music and songs with offensive lyrics can influence our minds as well
as our emotions negatively. If music can make a good mood better, it can also make a bad
mood worse. Music at times also distracts us from our work or studies. So I feel we need to be careful about the music we listen to.

Task 4                        6 marks

You will hear a scientist address students on how to be successful in life. Read the
questions given in your worksheet, then listen to the extract and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’
for each question. You will hear the recording twice.

Good morning, dear students. It’s an honour to address you─the future leaders of the world. All of you come to school to receive an education for a better life. But the truth is that many of the things needed to succeed in life are learned outside the classroom. In fact, there is something to learn from everything. What’s required is a willingness to learn. 

You can even learn very important lessons for a successful life from creatures as small as ants. For instance, the first thing you can learn from ants is the importance of setting goals.Ants know what to do in every season. They plan well in advance and work hard to avoid famine. In order to move forward purposefully, you must have goals in your life. I would say a goal helps show you the way ahead.

The next thing you can learn from ants is determination. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, or how many obstacles they encounter, ants always find a way to reach their destination. Now, if you face a challenge, what do you do? How do you cope? Ants teach us that no matter how terrifying things may look, you should never quit or lose hope.

Ants ignore all that comes in the way of achieving their objective. If you put your finger in
an ant’s path, it just walks around it and marches on to where it’s heading. Similarly, you
shouldn’t let anything get in the way of realising your objective. For example, if there’s a
lot of homework to do, don’t let the television divert your attention before you complete it. Ants always work in a team. When one ant finds food, it informs the others so that everyone can share it! You should do the same with regard to knowledge and resources. Remember, knowledge unshared can’t be used for the progress and well-being of mankind. 

Finally, we find ants just about anywhere. It’s remarkable how they’ve managed to get the most out of living with human beings. Walk in the forest and you’ll find ants. Move into a new house and you’ll eventually find them there. Like them, you too, should adapt to your surroundings and when things change, learn to make the most of it. 

Watching ants is an incredible experience. The lessons they teach are priceless. I believe these lessons can certainly help you succeed in life.

Thank you!

9 audio 2 key


CBSE: Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)
Class IX Code IX-L-02
Time: 40 min Max Marks: 20

Task – 1                  4 marks

You will hear some tips on good posture. Read the notes below, then listen to the tips and
complete the notes with one or two words only. You will hear the recording twice.
For Good Posture
1. Always stand erect to prevent _________________ the spine.
2. Sit straight using the _________________of a chair.
3. Maintain the ______________ ______________ of the spine with a pillow
for the head at bedtime.
4. Lift heavy items with the_______________ bent to protect the spine.


Task – 2                5 marks

You will hear a girl and her friend having a conversation about growing bonsai plants
as a hobby. Read the statements below, then listen to the conversation and choose five of
the options A-H which are correct. Write the letters in the blank boxes. You will hear the
recording twice.
Which five of the following statements are true?
A The boy says that the Japanese were the first to grow bonsai.
B Some bonsai are as small as the palm of a human hand.
C The height of bonsai trees can range from 3 feet to 6 feet.
D Children are known to inherit bonsai from their parents and grandparents.
E The girl feels that bonsai are better gifts than flowers.
F Bonsai branches should be bent and cut only in the beginning.
G The soil in which a bonsai is planted must be changed from time to time.
H The girl feels growing bonsai is an art that anyone can master.


Task – 3                   5 marks

You will hear five short extracts of people expressing their views on music. Read the
statements below, then listen to the extracts and match each statement A–G to each
speaker 1–5. There are two statements you do not need. You will hear the recordings twice.

worksheet 9 2

Task – 4                             6 marks

You will hear a scientist address students on how to be successful in life. Read the questions below, then listen to the extract and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ for each question. You will hear the recording twice.
1. According to the speaker, the first step towards success is to
a. get the best out of your schooling.
b. have an open mind to gain knowledge.
c. put in regular effort in the early years.
2. It is important to have goals because they
a. shape our individuality.
b. help us play to our strengths.
c. steer us in the right direction.
3. When problems set us back, we should
a. find the cause of the problem.
b. ask someone for help.
c. decide to try again.


4. We can achieve our objective by
a. avoiding distractions.
b. believing in ourselves.
c. finishing our work ahead of time.
5. It is important to share information because it
a. develops a positive work environment.
b. benefits everyone in the long run.
c. prevents misunderstandings.
6. The ability of ants to survive anywhere shows us how we must
a. be a strong community.
b. adjust in any environment.
c. strive to be as fit as ants.





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  1. Harshey says:

    It’s very useful but i need listening test code IX L 02 for SA-2

  2. Raj says:

    I also want listening test code for IX L 02 SA2
    Please post it fast Please
    Thanking you in anticipation

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