Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion regarding the role of students among certain friends” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Discussion regarding the role of students among certain friends” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Discussion regarding the role of students among certain friends.

Conversation on the Topic “Role of Students” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Indu: India has a vast population of students who are studying in thousands of schools and colleges.

Hema: These students can play a very significant role in the rebuilding and reconstruction of our nation.

Rashmi: This can only happen if their energies are properly channelised.

Suraj: The students had also played a very important role during India’s struggle for independence.

Surinder: But after India’s independence it seems that students have no aim and noble cause before them, for which they can utilize their energy.

Om Prakash: From time to time, we also hear about the students’ indiscipline in different universities and colleges.

Rehana: This again proves that the student’s power is being misused for destructive activities instead of any constructive work.

Indu: In reality, the students lack proper guidance and proper leadership.

Hema: In some universities of India indiscipline among the students has become a very serious problem. They go on strikes and organize demonstrations, agitations, etc.

Rashmi: They disrespect their teachers and college authorities. They also fight with the police.

Suraj: Thus, the whole academic atmosphere in the universities is destroyed.

Surinder: Due to this indiscipline, in certain universities, for years together no examinations could be held.

Om Prakash: For all this indiscipline and disturbances in the colleges we cannot hold the students as exclusively responsible.

Rehana: Some political parties also incite the students, against the authorities. They misuse the student’s power for their political purposes.

Indu: These political parties play with the lives and careers of innocent students.

Hema: I think that there should be a ban on the political parties taking any participation in the affairs of the students.

Rashmi: In my immense youth power. opinion, the students possess It is in the absence of positive- and constructive leadership, that they are led astray.

Suraj: In my opinion, the government must provide them with healthy and constructive leadership.

Surinder: They should also be associated in bringing about social, economic, political and moral reforms in India. In this way they can play an important role in the progress of our nation.

Om Prakash: In fact, the students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. They should be made to feel their responsibility towards the society and the nation so that they can become good citizens later on.

Rehana: There are many ways in which the students can best serve their country. First of all, they should learn the spirit of discipline because without discipline no nation can rise in the world today.

Indu: You are right. It is due to discipline alone that countries like Japan, Germany, Russia and China are today powerful nations.

Hema: In my opinion, the students can also be associated with the removal of many social evils in the society. They can help in rooting out the evil of dowry from the society by taking a solemn pledge that they will not accept any dowry at the time of their marriage.

Rashmi: They can also help in the removal of ‘social evils like casteism, untouchability, untouchability, gambling, drinking, etc.

Suraj: I think the students can also play an important role for the national unity and emotional integration in the country.

Surinder: They should work against the communal, provincial, linguistic and separatist tendencies in the country.

Om Prakash: They should also develop and promote the spirit of Indian first and Indian last, rather than thinking in terms of a Sikh, Muslim, Christian or a Hindu.

Rehana: In this way, we can see that the students can play a very important role in the regeneration of their nation.

Indu: You are right. The India of tomorrow belongs to the students and they should help in making it a great power and a prosperous nation.


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