Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Conversation on the Topic “Miss Julie boards a DTC bus to go to a locality in New Delhi.” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

CBSE ASL Speaking Conversation on the Topic “Miss Julie boards a DTC bus to go to a locality in New Delhi.” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

CBSE ASL Speaking Conversation on the Topic “Miss Julie boards a DTC bus to go to a locality in New Delhi.” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Conversation on the Topic “On The Bus” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Bus Conductor: Hurry up, please. Go ahead. Nobody should stand near the entrance. There’s plenty of space upstairs.

Julie: Does this bus go to Rajendra Place?

Conductor: Yes, please.

Julie: Oh! Thank you. Please give me one ticket for Rajendra Place.

Conductor: Please give me 40 Paise.

Julie: Here’s one rupee note, please.

Conductor: Haven’t you any change with you?

Julie: I am afraid, I don’t have any change with me.

Conductor: All right. Give me the one rupee note.

Julie: Here it is.

Conductor: Take this ticket and 60 Paise. Now please move on. There is plenty of space ahead.

1st passenger: Please sit down on this seat. This is meant for ladies.

Julie: How can I sit there? Two persons are already occupying the seats.

Conductor: Who is sitting there on the ladies’ seat? Please vacate the ladies’ seat, Mr. Singh.

Mr. Singh: Is this ladies’ seat?

1st Passenger: Yes, Sardarji. This is meant for ladies.

2nd Passenger: Sardarji, vacate this ladies’ seat.

Mr. Singh: I can’t understand why there should be any reservation of seats for the ladies when they demand equality with men in every sphere of life.

Julie: Keep sitting Mr. Singh. I don’t need a seat.

Conductor: Please vacate the ladies’ seat, Mr. Singh.

Mr. Singh: O.K., Behnji (dear sister). Please sit down.

Julie: No Bhraji (dear brother). Please keep sitting.

Mr. Singh: Please sit down, Behnji.

Julie: Thank you Mr. Singh.

Mr. Singh: Never mind, Behnji. It’s my pleasure to offer a seat to a lady like you.

Julie: That’s so kind of you Sardarji.

Mr. Singh: Where do you have to go, Behnji?

Julie: I am going to Rajendra Place, but I am new to Delhi.

Mr. Singh: Don’t worry Behnji. I shall tell you, when your stop comes.

Julie: How far is it now?

Mr. Singh: It’s only five five-minute run from here. Most probabably, it’s the second stop.

Julie: Please tell me when it comes.

Mr. Singh: O.K. Behnji. (After five minutes) Behnji your stop has come.

Julie: Thank you, so much Sardarji.

Mr. Singh: No mention Behnji, it’s my privilege.


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