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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 3 “Importance of Shorthand”

Importance of Shorthand When shorthand was invented in the 4th Century B.C. it was used only for verbatim reporting of speeches. Its use was later extended to write communications. It shows that the usefulness of shorthand has been recognised by all in every part of the world. Shorthand has received greater importance because of the following factors:- (i) Shorthand writing is faster than longhand writing (ii) It provides jobs to a...
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Shorthand Stenography Online Course Chapter 2 “What is Stenography ?”, ” Pitman’s system of Shorthand”

What is Stenography ? The term ‘Stenography’ is composed of two words ‘steno’ and ‘graphy’. ‘Steno’ means narrow, ‘graphy’ means to write. So, Stenography means the art or any method of writing very quickly. Stenography was later known as Shorthand. Shorthand has been described by Sir Isaac Pitman as ‘the art of representing spoken sounds in shorthand characters (written signs)’. Shorthand provides a way of representing every sound heard in English...
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Learn How to write ” Memorandum”.

Memorandum One of the most common forms of communication within an office environment, the memo or memorandum serves as a quick note to convey information from one section of the company to another. A memorandum is usually drafted by Senior Officers for their subordinates. Generally, a memorandum includes the name of the originator of the document, the intended person/s to whom it is addressed, the date of issue, the general topic,...
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Learn how to write Business Letter “Indented Style “.

Business Letter “Indented Style”   This is the oldest style of typing a letter. The word “indented” generally refers to the beginning of first line of each paragraph by indenting i.e. giving five or seven spaces from the left set margin and typing the remaining lines of each paragraph from the left set margin. A specimen of the indented style of business letter is given below. Telephone No……….            ...
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