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Essay on “The Problem of Poverty” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  THE PROBLEM OF POVERTY Synopsis: the poverty in India is on increase, especially in the villages and countryside. In spite of 50 years of independence there is no perceptible improvement in the quality of life and living standards. Millions and millions suffer from starvation and malnutrition. Official figures about the people living below poverty line are not realiable as they are often manipulated. An objective and scientific methodology in this...
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Essay on “Secularism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Secularism Essay No. 01  Synopsis: India has never been a communal and theocratic country. Unity in cultural and religious has been the essence of Indianness. Followers of different and alien faiths came to India and became an integral part of it. India has been a meeting point and melting pot of various faiths and cultures. Communal tensions and conflicts are relatively of recent origin and can be attributed to the...
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Essay on “Defence Preparedness and Security Challenges” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  DEFENCE PREPAREDNESS AND SECURITY CHALLENGES   Synopsis: The bitter memories of Indo-China war in 1962 are still fresh in our minds. There are still many gaps in our defence. In recent years our defence budget has declined sharply in comparison to that of our neighbours. China has been helping Pakistan militarily and it is a matter of great concern. There is undesirable pressure on India in the name N.P.T. and C.T.B.T....
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Essay on “Corruption Unbound” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  CORRUPTION UNBOUND               Synopsis: Corruption in India has acquired new dimensions. Its boundless sway is in direct relation and proportion to our moral degradation and erosion of values. Making a quick buck by fair means or foul has become the only aim of life, giving rise to all kinds of evil and self-defeating practices. Giving and accepting bribes of modern materialistic life. Political leaders and parties are the most...
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Essay on “Corruption in High Places” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES   Synopsis: India is one of the ten top corrupt countries of the world. The contagious disease of corruption in high place is already widespread and deep rooted. Corruption in high places has many faces and forms and admits no limits. The year 1996 would go down in the history as the year of scams, scandals and high corruption. The corruption cases brought to light have...
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Essay on “The Era of Coalition” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  THE ERA OF COALITION Synopsis: Regionalism is on the rise and coalition has come to stay. Gone are the days of one party rule and strong central leadership. The electorate has given a fragmented verdict in the `1996 General Elections resulting in United Front coalition Government in New Delhi with the outside support of Congress. With the defeat of Deve Gowda, new coalition equation followed and I.K. Gujral emerged as the...
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Essay on “Space Exploration in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  SPACE EXPLORATION IN INDIA    Synopsis: In ancient India astronomical and mathematical knowledge was highly advanced. The world owes the invention of zero and decimal system to India. Vedic literature and Epics are full of significant space-references. The 17th century observatories in the country were equipped with highly accurate instruments which presuppose such observatories in the past as well. Modern Indian space research is late yet very significant. India has...
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Essay on “Space Exploration and Research” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  SPACE EXPLORATION AND RESEARCH Essay No. 01 Synopsis: Space is an endless expanse containing all things like earth, solar system, galaxies etc. It has been an object of great interest to man since time immemorial. Modern research and exploration in space has been phenomenal. It began with the launch of Sputniks by Russia. Americans created history by landing on the moon in 1969. Space probe by manned and unmanned airships...
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