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Essay on “Satellite Communications” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Satellite Communications Satellite communications are the outgrowth of development in two main areas, space technology and communication technology. The first requirement for any space activity has, however, nothing to do with the state of technology since it concerns the ability to compute the velocity needed to escape earth’s gravity and, as a next step, to a satellite in orbit. This knowledge comes out of a very old branch of science,...
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Essay on “Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy in India Nuclear capability is a status symbol, though tremendously expensive. In fact it is both a fetish and a vampire-fetish for the nation which has developed it and vampire if it is put to destructive uses. That is why India’s nuclear experiment generated sharp criticism: some remarked that India, by frittering her meager resources on ambitious nuclear programmes, is following ruinous policy. The possible...
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Essay on “Should India Manufacture Nuclear Bomb?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Should India Manufacture Nuclear Bomb? Vice proclaimed that history is a regular alternation between progress and regress. Similarly, Saint Simon looked upon history as a series of oscillations between organic and creative period. It is difficult to say whether the world is progressing or degeneration. Some nations are exploiting the resources of Nature and developing the potentialities of human resources but others are manufacturing nuclear weapons. We talk of international...
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Essay on “Scientific Problems in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Scientific Problems in India After attaining independence, India lost no time in creating the infrastructure for nuclear development in the country. The Atomic Energy Commission was set up in 1948 within an year of the country becoming free. Dr. Homi Bhabha eventually became the father of India’s nuclear development programme placing India in the exclusive nuclear club in less than thirty years. India had started from a scratch. At that...
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Essay on “Environmental Pollution in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Environmental Pollution in India Environmental pollution is affection the entire humanity. The land, water and air pollution is causing great concerns to the very existence of life on the earth. Day by day the environmental pollution is increasing. The needs of the people are increasing. The culture of over consumption is creating problems for maintaining the ecological balance. The nature is being exploited and science has helped in conquering the...
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Essay on “Biodiversity – Relevance and Conservation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Biodiversity –  Relevance and Conservation Threats to biodiversity have been increasing and they have been recognized by scientists and environmentalist groups. Biological diversity is the term used to describe the complete array of species-plant, animal and insect-that live on land and under water. It is very essential for the normal functioning of ecosystem and the biosphere as a whole. It has a great significance for its ecological, social, economical, cultural...
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Essay on “Conservation of Forests” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Conservation of Forests Essay No. 01 Floods, population problems and other environmental hazards have been increasing. The environmental hazards in this country have not reached the stage prevailing in several highly industrialized countries. We are, however heading to it. Lack of adequate vegetate cover in the catchments or watersheds of our rivers and streams, exploitation of our hill forests indiscriminately to meet the ever-increasing needs of population, the indiscriminate lopping,...
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Essay on “Forests for National Welfare ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Forests for National Welfare  Few sights are more beautiful than trees whether in flower or with their branches laden with fruit or just the countless variety in shape and colour of leaf and of the tree itself. Trees are amongst man’s most reliable friends and a country which cares for its future must take good care of its forests. It is indeed sad that in India, hillsides in almost all...
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