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English Letter “Thanks for Gifts to a Patient or Invalid”

Thanks for Gifts to a Patient or Invalid Dear Mr. Jashan, Now that I can flinty sit up and write letters. I want to thanks you both for the computer and looks you sent me while I was ill and most of all, for your many cheerful notes, you have no idea how much they meant to me! You’ve been more than kind, won’t ever forget it, my love and deepest...
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Thanks Letter “The Bread and Butter Letter”

Thanks Letter “The Bread and Butter Letter” Dear Anita, This is to tell you  again how very much I enjoyed the weekend with you.  Everything was just about perfect, the weather, the beautiful countryside, and above all the company. I hope you and Madan know how much I appreciate your hospitality, and your many kindnesses to me. I cannot myself fortunate indeed to have to such generous and charming friends. Sincerely...
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English Letter “Thanks Letter for a Christmas Present”

Thanks Letter for a Christmas Present My Dear Aunt, I had a nice lot to Christmas presents mechanical toys, several books and chemical set. How did you know that I wanted such a set ?  it was just the very thing that I had longed for as nearly all my friends at school have them. Many thanks to you for your thoughtful and generous gift, and our best wishes to you...
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English Letter “Thanks Letter For a Birthday Gift”

Thanks Letter For a Birthday Gift My Dear Uncle, I cannot tell you how delighted I was the handsome birthday present you gave me. It is really a most acceptable present which I shall always treasure. Please accept my renewed thanks not only for the beautiful gift but also for the good wishes which you kindly sent with it. I owe you a birthday party for your charming and I am...
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How to Write “Letters of Thanks” with example

Letters of Thanks We all know when we are supposed to write a thank- you letter. But too often we delay the writing so long that is becomes a chore rather than pleasure. A thank-you note should be, above all sincere. This quality translates itself easily into words when the pleasure of receiving a gift favour, congratulations, or hospitality is still fresh in your mind. Although there is no hard-and –...
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How to Write “Letters of Sympathy and Good Cheer” with example

Letters of Sympathy and Good Cheer People who are ill especially appreciate a letter of sympathy and good cheer. Although such a letter, like a letter of condolence, must be tactful and sincere, it needn’t be as formal or dignified. Let the circumstances be your guide as to the tone of your letter. A friend recovering from an appendectomy would  probably enjoy a light , witty not. But a person who...
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