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Write a Letter From a Husband to Wife, Family Letter

From a Husband to Wife Philadlphia June 23 , 200…. Dear Martha, As I am within a few minutes of leaving this city, I would not think of departing from it without dropping you a line, especially as I do not know whether  it may be in my power to write again, till I get to the camp at Boston. I go fully trusting in that providence, which has been more...
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Write a Letter “From an Uncle to his Nephew” with reply, Family Letter

From an Uncle to his Nephew Dear Titu, We are passing through very critical times and God alone can pull our chestnuts out of the fire. There is corruption all round and I am not surprised if you are still unemployed, because corruption is responsible for growing unemployment in the country, as the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. The corrupt young men are becoming  absolute princes...
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Write a Letter to Younger Brother about his Career, Family Letter

A Descriptive Letter to Younger Brother about his Career Dated ………. My Dear Ramesh, It gave me immense pleasure to learn that you have passed B.A. examination securing good second class marks. You are right in thinking to settle in your life because post-graduation you can do even through correspondence. As you have done no vocational course you can take up only a clerical job. I think a job in one...
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Write a Letter From Brother to Sister with Reply, Family Letter

From Brother to Sister Dear Rosie, I hope you are making the best of your time a t Amritsar and not brooding over the problems at home or burning the midnight oil over your books. When you are out of home, forget home. Hope you have not carried all problems of Delhi in your bag to  Amritsar. Problems never end.  Problems finally end the man. So throw the bag to problems...
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Write a Letter Mother to Daughter with Reply, Family Letter

Letter Mother to Daughter Dear Minny, You know that you have great responsibilities , because we are passing  through very difficult time both in the domestic and the national front. Life is particularly more difficult for girls than for boys and you have to be especially careful and particularly cautious in dealing with world, particularly the strangers. You need hardly be told that crime is rising in the world and gold...
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Write a Letter From Son to his Father With Reply, Family Letter

From Son to his Father Dear Sir, I am feeling the pinch of the rising prices in the college hostel here in the Engineering College at Chandigarh. I have not yet told you to enhance my monthly allowance, because I felt that I shall make do with what you are offering me, but I find it simply impossible. Most of the students here are getting double of what you are offering...
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