Learn How to write ” Memorandum”.
One of the most common forms of communication within an office environment, the memo or memorandum serves as a quick note to convey information from one section of the company to another. A memorandum is usually drafted by Senior Officers for their subordinates. Generally, a memorandum includes the name of the originator of the document, the intended person/s to whom it is addressed, the date of issue, the general topic, and the body of the document that contains the information to be shared etc. More informal in appearance and tone than a letter, a memo is set up in a special format. Headings, lists, tables or graphs are often used to make the information more understandable.
(Name and Address of the Department)
No. and date
With reference to his application dated June 2, …. for recruitment in this department as Accounts Executive, Mr S K Gupta is hereby informed that his name has been registered in the list of the approved candidates and he would be informed whenever there is a vacancy.
(S K Sharma) Manager To: _________________ _________________ _________________ |
Note: Sometimes To and From Address are given after the Memo No. anddate.