Marking,”Weightage” Scheme of all Subjects of Class 9 and 10 under NSQF
Marking,”Weightage” Scheme of all Subjects of Class 9 and 10 under NSQF
Notes: The following points have to be noted by teachers and students (for class IX and X):
- There are two formative assessments each in the first and second term one of the formative assessments will be substituted with PSA in class IX.
- Each formative Assessment is again divided into smaller assessments (class assignments, quiz, project, written test) which can carry different marks.
- Each formative assessment has a weightage of 10% which can be arrived at by taking an average of all tasks or the best three or four.
- The total weightage of all the four formative assessments is 40%.
Give out the weightage of allsubjects in class9
We have already uploaded weightage scheme for class 9 and 10, you can find other similar NSQF Posts. Please click below link: