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Writing a Promotion Letter, complete letter of Promotion Announcement example.

Writing a Promotion Letter


Writing a promotional letter is no more difficult to write now. It is highly convenient for employees to write a good letter to human resource department. There are thousands of tips in general available on different sources but it does not answer of every question asked therefore tips can snuggle you to write in better way Given below is a good sample of writing a promotion letter and you can find it for you.




Mr. /Ms___________ (Full Name) 

Letter No…… MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2011



The Managing Director 

_________________(Name of Company)

Subject: Request for consideration for Promotion


Dear Sir,

It gives me immense pleasure to bring my performance review into your kind notice that has been shown throughout my career. I served company for two years in the capacity of marketing manager. I accomplished already the given targets therefore in that response; manager evaluated me as by giving good performance appraisal.

I remained throughout active participant in generating business i activity for organization. There is none of anything-great revival of sincerity and dedication of yours than recognition. Monetary benefits work only to some extent.

Thanking You


Yours Sincerely


__________(Name in full)

………………. (Designation and Dept)

__________Place _________Dated 


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