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Essay on “World Population Day – 11 July” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

World Population Day – 11 July 

World Population reached five billion (500 crores) on July 11th 1986. The United Nations began to commemorate the World Population Day on July 11th every year from 1987 onwards. Activities are usually held worldwide on the day to enhance people’s awareness of the population problem.

World Population

Year            Population (in crores)                   Years Taken

 1804                   100                                         1804

1927                    200                                         123

1960                    300                                         33

1974                    400                                         14

1986                    500                                         12

1999                    600                                         13

The world population during most of human history increased slowly. It reached I billion in 1804. It reached the 2 billion by 1927, 3 billion by 1960, 4 billion by 1974 and 5 billion in 1986 and 6 billion in 1999.

The world entered 20th century with less than 2 billion people and has entered 21st century at a little over 6 billion. The world Population Clock shows that is on May 2007 the World Population  is 659,61,12,055.

World Vital Events Per Time Unit: 2007

Time unit             Births                   Deaths         Natural Increase                   

Year                     133,201,704       55,490,538         77,711,166

Month                 11,100,142         4,624,212           6,475,931

Day                      364,936               152,029               212,907

Hour                    15,206                 6,335                   8,871

Minute                253                      106                      148

Second                4.2                       1.8                       2.5

History of World Population Day

  • World Population Day was first commemorated in 1987 when it reached 5 billion. It took all of history for world’s population to reach 2 billion in 1927 – but less than lifetime to arrive at 6 billion in 1999.
  • The United Nations designated October 12, 1999 as the Day of 6 Billion.
  • During the 19th century population increased slowly reaching at total of about1.7 billion people by 1900. World Population grew more rapidly during the last century, with the greatest population gains occurring in the post- World War II period. Today’s population stands approximately over three and a half times its size in 1900.
  • Despite the decline in fertility rates of many developing countries in the last thirty years, population growth has continued. While the rate of increase is slowing, in absolute terms world population growth continues to be substantial.

Population Pollution

It is an era of population explosion throughout the world. Over- population results in misuse of environmental resources on one side, and wastage of human resources on the other side. Land , air, water, resources would be depleted and polluted and there will be shortage of housing and community facilities. Due to poor  education and lack of employment opportunities, there will be wastage of human resources. Consequent on the poor quality of human resources, there will be conspicuous social failure. Increase in crime, narcotics, alcohol, civil disorder an mass disobedience. Due to  poor quality of human resources and break down of environmental resources, the economic system may not be able to deliver goods and political system would become weak, tardy and corrupt. In short, there will be population pollution.

Population Highlights

  • 61% of the world’s population lives in the continent of Asia.
  • Average Life Expectancy at Birth is 65 years

Birth Rate:                                       Death Rate:

20 births/ 1,000 population           9 deaths / 1,000 population

128.9 million births per year         57.9 million people die each year

353, 015 births per day                  158,857 people die each day

14,709 births each hour                 6619 people die each hour

245 births each minute                   110 people die each minute

4 births each second of every day – almost 2 people die each second

Age Structure of World’s Population

1.8 billion people under age 15 year (27.4%)

4.3 billion people age 15-64 years (65.2%)

483 million people are 65 years and over (7.4%)

Ten Largest Countries in Population

There are approximately 225 inhabited countries and territories in the world. China is the most populous nation with 175 of the world’s people. About half the world’s people live in the first six largest countries listed below.

China                   1,313,973,7136

India                    1,095,351,995

Undated States   298,444,215

Indonesia            245,452,739

Brazil                   188,078,227

Pakistan              165,803,560

Bangladesh         147,365,352

Russia                  142,893,540

Nigeria                131,859,731

Japan                   127,463,611

The State of World Population

  • The world population reached 6.3 billion at the beginning of 2003 and is projected to grow to 9.2 billion by 2050
  • Total fertility at the world level is expected to decline from 2.83 children per woman in 1995-2000 to 2.02 children per woman in 2045-2050, and the expectation of life at birth is expected reduction of fertility should reflect a declining population growth rate of 0.33 percent per year by 2045-2050
  • The U.S. Census Bureau Projects that over the course of the next 25 years, older age groups will account for an increasingly larger share of the total population. During the 1998-2025 period, the world’s elderly population (ages 65 and above) will be more than double, while the world’s youth (population under age 15) will grow by 6 percent, and the number of children under age 5 will increase by less than 5 percent. As a result, world population will become progressively older during the coming decades.

Twenty-one people are born every 5 second. The good news  is that since 1950, the average number of births per woman in developing countries has declined, from 6.3 to 3.1. These  numbers show that family planning  programs worldwide are needed, are utilized, and finally are meeting the demand for family planning by individuals and couples.       

Despite these tremendous gains, approximately 1.2 billion teenagers worldwide are just entering their reproductive years, moreover, in developing countries, the number of women of childbearing age will have increased from almost 1.4 billion in 2004 to almost 1.6 billion in 2020. The number of people served by family planning programs will have to increase by 40% simply to sustain current birth rates; bringing about a further decline in fertility will require an even greater expansion of programs.

Dramatic population growth puts enormous pressure on the environment , making it difficult to meet people’s need for clan water and air, it also makes it difficult for governments and communities to meet people’s  needs for shelter and education. While the solution is simple – ensure  access to family planning services so that women and men can continue to choose to have smaller families  – the facts illustrate how much work lies ahead.

Developing Nations

  • According to the US Census Bureau, the future of human population growth is now largely being decided in the worlds’ lesser- developed nations. Ninety –six percent of world population increase now occurs in the developing regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America, and his percentage will rise over the course of the next quarter century.
  • The population of the less developed regions is projected to rise steadily from 4.9 billion in 2000 to an estimated 7.7 billion in 2050.
  • Fertility and population growth is highest in the poorest countries. These nations will most likely triple their populations by 2050.
  • Since 1960 , fertility in developing regions has been cut in half, form 6 children per woman to 2.9 Contraceptive prevalence has increased from 10 to 32 per cent of years. In the least – developed countries, fertility has declined only from 6.6 children to 5.2 ,and life expectancy increased to just over 50 years from roughly 39.
  • Life expectancy at birth in the least- developed countries is under 50 years, compared to 77 in rich countries.

    Family Planning Worldwide

  • The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that family planning programs and population assistance accounted for almost one third of the global decline in fertility between 1972 and 1994.
  • Due to the increased prevalence of family planning and the availability of modern contraception, the “reproductive revolution” has been one of the major demographic stories of the latter half of the 20th
  • The divide between less developed and more developed countries’ contraceptive use continues to shrink in countries remain even. According to the population reference Bureau, rates of while use of traditional methods is reported more often in more developed nations.
  • The higher the overall levels of women’s contraceptive use, the lower the differential between women in the richest and poorest groups. Once family – planning use exceeds 40-45 per cent overall, the difference between wealth groups narrows considerably, and family planning becomes accepted as the norm. in sub – Saharan African countries, where contraceptive prevalence is only around 10 per cent, the rashest use family panning more than five times as often as the poorest.


Next to the people ‘s Republic of China, India is the most populous country in the whole world. Around 1977, the population was 968 million, and in the 1981 census, it crossed the 680 million level. In 1991, it was around 845 millions.

The total population of India as at 0:00 hours on 1st March 2001 stood at 1,027,015,247. The population of the country rose by 21.34% between 1991- 2001. The sex ratio (i.e., number of females per thousands males) of population was 933, rising from 927 as at the 1991 Census. Total literacy rate was 65.38%

The increasing growth rate of population and the good state of nutrition and health are possible. Thanks to various programmes. The densely populated areas in the country are Bihar, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. On a average for India, the density of population is 190 persons sq.km. Delhi and Chandigarh, top the country terms of density, and Kerala is the most densely populated state in the whole country.

To meet the menace of population explosion, which threatens all the economic and social growth, various schemes have been introduced both by the states and the Central government Programmes on family welfare. Voluntary sterilization and temporary birth control are carried on. Efforts are also on to eradicate malnutrition in the whole of India.

The Indian population is a mixture of people having varied complexions, customs, features and physique, engaged in varied occupations and speaking different languages. The comprise the tall Kashmiris to  the sturdy peasants of Punjab , the dark- colored ones of Andhra and Tamilnadu to the short statured Nagas. Their way of dressing and their diets vary widely, yet they maintain the harmony of one country, which is their “Bharat”.    

Birth rate                                22.8/1,000

Death rate                               8.38/1,000

Fertility rate                           2.85 children / woman

Male life Expectancy            63.25        

Female life Expectancy        64.77

Infant Mortality Rate            57.92 deaths/ 1,000 live births

Census of India

The Indian Census is the largest single source of statistics on the people of India. With  history of more than 125 years, this of statistics every 10 years beginning from 1872 when the first census was conducted in India. To scholars and researchers in demography, economics, anthropology, sociology , statistics and many other disciplines, the Indian Census is a fascinating data source. The rich diversity of the people of India is truly reflected  through the decennial census that is one of the basic tools to understand and study India.

National Population Policy

The announcement of the National Population Policy and the setting up of a National Population Commission reflect the deep commitment of the government to population stabilization programme. Ever since the Cairo Conference in 1994, which set the pace for methods of population control through a mix of persuasion and provision of basic child / mother – care facilities, the importance of investing in the reproduction health sector  had become obvious.

Women’s education and empowerment issues hold the key to the problem and should help in reducing the traditional preference for sons. it is hoped the since the new policy has mentioned universal and compulsory schooling as a crucial element in its approach, the government should demonstrate its commitment by enhancing its allocation on basic education , especially on girls’ education.

Population Education

A new field of study has been opened as a solution of the problem of population growth, which is known as ‘ population education’. If offers immense possibilities of easing the problem of population in the long run. It is an education  programmed that provides for a study of the population situation in the  family, community, nation and world, with the purpose of developing in the students rational and responsible attitudes and behavior towards the situation. In short, population education implies a change in the attitudes and behaviour patterns of the individual  that enables him to make rational decisions on population issues involving the family, nation and the world at large.

Human life cannot exist in isolation. The life depends on the environment. Over – population results in misuse  of environmental resources. The major factor responsible for environmental problem is population explosion. Harmonious relationship with nature is essential for the smooth functioning of any society. Environment will have to be viewed as a unique national asset. If we fail to curb our population growth, nature will end it in her own way by killing off a large portion of humanity. Population control by human means must be moved to the top of the human agenda if posterity should enjoy the fruits of development.

The rising population has serious  implications on food and water security , health     care, rural and urban services and sustainability of the eco system. If we have to pass on a world to the next generation, which is a much happier place to live in , then we have to win to War on rising population.       


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  1. asha rani says:

    there are approximately 225 terrorities and countries in the world world celebrates july 11 as world population day with great enthusism and happiness china is the most populated country in all over the world people celebrated with different ways during this day awarness camps are to be organised by different organizations at different places about female forticide dangerous diseases like hiv aids some specialist those who inagurate and take participation in camps serve people free of cost for poor and needy people except prescription slip rest of the money they deposit into the asharams prescription slip fees they deposits into the treaure of government for the well being of poor awarness seminars are to be organised especially to educate villagers each and every type of person get benefit from these awarness seminars and camps whosoever is concerned with them awarness about different government schemes which are to be planned by government are implemented awarness aboutelection campaign that which and which candidate is suitable for the posthow to control population why to grow more and more trees awarness about which and which policies are to be mentioned in the education sector and become aware to people which quality of condoms are to be used to control population and become aware to the public aboutnew menrega schemes and become aware to the public about the illigal activities of government and public how they make befol to innocent public and take votes by all means how to inculcate good values how to make system transparent accountable and without discrimination how to avoid todays youth from drug trafflicing by organising camps of councelling and parents become aware their children from all these curse awarness camps about dowary deaths

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