Essay on “World No Tobacco Day-31 May ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
World No Tobacco Day-31 May
World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. The Member States of the World Health Organization created this in 1987 to draw global attention of the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. In 1987 , the World Health Assembly passed Resolution calling 7 April 1988 to be the “World No-Smoking Day.” In 1988 , Resolution was passed, calling for the celebration of World No Tobacco Day, every year on 31 May. It aims to reduce the deaths from tobacco related health problems.
Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is well known that half the people who smoke regularly today- about 650 million people – will eventually be killed by tobacco. Equally alarming is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who have never smoked die each year from diseases caused by breathing second – hand tobacco smoke
This yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.
Themes Selected in Previous Years
2007 – Smoke – Free Environments
2006- Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise
2005- Health professionals against tobacco
2004- Tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle
2003 – Tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion
2002 -Tobacco free sports
2001 -Second – hand smoke kills
2000- Tobacco kills, don’t be duped
1999- Leave the pack behind
1998 – Growing up without tobacco
1997- United for a tobacco free world
1996- Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free
1995 – Tobacco costs more than you think
1994- Media and tobacco: get the message across
1993- Health services : our windows to a tobacco free world
1992 – Tobacco free workplaces : safer and healthier
1991 – Public places and transport : better be tobacco free
1990 – Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing without tobacco Wd No- Tobacco Day
Tobacco : Deadly in any Form or Disguise
The world Health Organization’s themes raise awareness about the existence of a wide variety of deadly tobacco products and encourage countries to work towards strict regulations. Regulation should help people get accurate information,, remove the disguise and unveil the truth behind tobacco products – traditional new and future.
For a successful World No Tobacco Day, as many people in as many country as possible, need to b e involved. Although WNTD is only one day of the year, the efforts to spread the message about the dangers of tobacco use, need to continue throughout the year.
Tobacco use is responsible for approximately one in 10 premature deaths among adults worldwide. The global burden of deaths attributable to tobacco use, each year, is estimated to double from 5 million in 2005 to 10 million in 2020.
Towards a ‘smoke –free’ world
The tobacco consumption scenario in India is quite grim. Sample a few statistics. There are 205 million tobacco users in a population of one billion. The Government gets revenue of approximately Rs 5000 crore through tobacco sales, and it spends an estimated Rs 13,500 crore on tobacco- related diseases.
An estimated eight lakh people die due to tobacco- related diseases, every year, in the country. what more, a recent World Health Organization(WHO) study says that tobacco is now being actively marketed though the medium of films. By virtue of its size, popularity, and tremendous each, the Indian cinema, has the power to influence attitudes and consumer behavior of its audiences.
The threat is greater because the youth form a very large majority of the cinema – going audience. Five million children are addicted to tobacco. The market expansion mantra of cigarette manufacturers is to ‘catch ‘young!’
India has the largest film producing industry in the world with 900 films per year and 250 ,million viewers including those watching television and cable shows. Film stars are very popular in India. They are involved in many public issues and they get countless media coverage.
Cinema is an extremely useful tool to the tobacco industry. Currently 76 percent of all Indian movies portray tobacco unwittingly or at the behest of tobacco companies. In moves, tobacco is increasingly being exhibited as an activity associated with stress. It has gone up from nine percent ( of the films) in 1991 to 28.5 percent in 2002. The heroes account for 50 present of the portrayal incidence.
Thus, in order to curtail the health and economic hazards of tobacco, it is necessary to increase awareness among the public, especially among youth. It is imperative that the social barriers be penetrated and all sections of the society are made aware of the evils of tobacco.
Theme : Some Free Environments
Would No- Tobacco Day focuses on cent per cent smoke- free environments as the only effective measure to protect the public, including women and children, the people at their workplaces, from exposure to second –hand tobacco smoke.
Second – hand tobacco smoke (SHS) has officially been classified as carcinogenic (cancer causing) in humans. SHS also causes heart diseases and many serious respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in children and adults, often leading to death.
The scientific evidence leaves no doubt : there is no safe level of exposure to SHS. Neither ventilation nor filtration, alone or in combination, can reduce tobacco smoke exposure indoors to levels that are considered acceptable, even in terms of odor, much less health effects.
Exposure to SHS occurs anywhere smoking is permitted : homes, workplaces, public places. The WHO estimates that around 700 million children, or almost half of the world’s children, breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke, particularly at home. Findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey among students 13 to 15 year old in 132 countries between 1999 and 2005 show that:
- 9% of the students are exposed to second – hand tobacco smoke at home
- 8% of the students are exposed to second – hand tobacco smoke in public places
- 1% of the students surveyed express support for smoking bans in public places.
The International Labour Organization estimates that at least 200,000 workers die every year due to exposure to SHS at work.
The evidence demands and immediate, decisive response, to protect eh health of all people. Only 100% smoke- free environments provide effective protection.
Several countries and hundreds of sub national and local jurisdictions have successfully implemented laws that require almost all indoor workplaces and public places to be 100% smoke- free. With legislation banning smoking in workplaces, to protect the health of all workers.
Strengthen the implementation of the existent legislation is an important issue to make population be aware of the dangers of the exposure to the SHS. Smoke – free environments are not only healthier, but also feasible and realistic in a variety of contexts.
Exposure to SHS imposes economic costs on individuals, businesses and society as a whole. These include primarily direct workplaces where smoking is permitted incur higher renovation and cleaning costs, increased risk of fire and may experience higher insurance premiums.
The reasons for going smoke- free inside
- Second – hand tobacco smoke kills and causes serious illnesses;
- 100% smoke – free environments fully protect workers and the public from the serious harmful effects of tobacco smoke;
- Most people in the world are non- smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people’s smoke;
- Surveys show that smoking bans are widely supported by both smokers and non-smokers;
- Smoke – free environments are good for business, as families with children, most non- smokers and even smokers often prefer to go to smoke – free places;
- Smoke – free environments provide the many smokers who want to quit with a strong incentive to cut down or stop smoking altogether;
- Smoke – free environments help prevent people especially the young, from starting to smoke;
- Smoke – free environments cost little and they work!
The WHO recommendation are that:
1.A 100% smoke – free environment is the only effectives strategy to reduce exposure to tobacco smoke indoors to safe levels and to provide an acceptable level of protection from the dangers of SHS exposure. Ventilation and smoking areas, whether or not separately ventilated from non- smoking areas, do not reduce exposure to a safe level of risk and are not recommended;
2.Enact legislation requiring all indoor workplaces and public places to be 100% smoke – free environments. Laws should ensure universal and equal protection for all. Voluntary policies are not an acceptable response.
- Implement and enforce the law. Passing smoke- free legislation is not enough. Its proper implementation and adequate enforcement require relatively small but critical efforts and means;
- Implement educational strategies to reduce SHS exposure in the home. Smoke- free workplace legislation increases the likelihood that people (both smokers and non- smokers) will voluntarily make their home smoke- free.
Even though effective smoke- free laws are popular, policy- makers and the public must be prepared to respond to the many often-used arguments aimed at stopping their passage and implementation. The main opposition comes from the tobacco industry that has repeatedly misled and misinformed the public about the health risks and dangers of SHS and on the economic impact of smoking bans. The tobacco industry continues its efforts to slow down the implementation of effective legislation to protect workers and the public from SHS.
Public health actors, non- governmental organizations and other civil society representatives; policy makers, governments and the general public have to raise their voices together to ensure that the workers and the public are protected from exposure to SHS , by creating and enjoying 100% smoke – free environments.
How to quit smoking?
Stopping tobacco step by step is difficult. Stopping it at once is easier. There is no harmful effect in stopping tobacco suddenly. The problems that are caused by stopping tobacco are temporary and will last for only five to seven days. Then consider the benefits.
Tips to quit smoking
- Take a day at a time.
- Postpone each cigarette by one hour
- Do not buy in packs. Do not keep a stock of cigarettes tobacco.
- Tell your family, friends and colleagues that you are quitting tobacco and want their support.
- Change your environment
- Get rid of all cigarettes and ash trays in your house
- Make your home a tobacco- free zone.
- Craving stage does not last for more than five minutes. Wait out the craving.
Benefits of quitting smoking
If your are seriously considering quitting smoking, you should be looking at the benefits of kicking the habit.
- After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal. After eight hours, oxygen levels in the blood returns to normal. Chances of heart attack start falling.
- After 24 hours, carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body. Lungs clear out mucus and other debris.
- After 48 hours, nicotine is no longer detectable in the body. Ability to taste and smell is improved.
- After 72 hours, breathing becomes easier as bronchial tubes relax. Energy level increases.
- After two to21 weeks, circulation improves throughout the body.
- After three to nine months, breathing problems such as coughing , shortness of breath & wheezing decrease. The overall lung function increases by five to 10 percent. After five years, risk of heart attack falls to about half of that of a smoker.
- After 10 years, risk of lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack falls to about the same as non- smokers.
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