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Sample Paper of Economics 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.3

Sample Paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Economics     Time allowed: 3 hours                                                                                   Maximum Marks: 100   General instructions: (i)    All questions in both the sections are compulsory, (ii)   Marks for questions are indicated against each. (iii)  Questions carrying 1 mark for each part are required to be answered in one sentence each. (iv)  Questions carrying 3 marks are required to be answered not exceed 60...
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Sample Paper of Economics 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.2

DESIGN OF QUESTION PAPER ECONOMICS Class – XI Marks – 100.                                                                                                                                        Duration-3 hrs. WEIGHTAGE BY TYPES OF QUESTIONS Type Number of questions Marks Total Estimated time a candidate isexpected to take to answer Long answer questions 6 6 36 60 minutes Short answer questions I 6 4 24 36 minutes Short answer questions II 10 3 30 50 minutes Very short answer questions 10 1 10 15 minutes Total 32 100...
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Sample Paper of Economics 2014 for class 11, CBSE. Paper No.1

Sample paper – 2014 Class – XI Subject – Economics  Time: 3hr                                                                                                                   MM : 100        General Instructions: All questions are compulsor4 This question paper consists of 38 questions divided into four  Sections A, B, C and D.of each parts. Section-A consist of 10 questions of 01 marks each, Section -B consists of10 questions of 02 marks each, Section – C consist of 10 questions 03 marks each and  Section – D ...
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