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       COUNTRY                         CAPITAL                  CURRENCY   America (U.S.A)New ZealandFranceEngland (U.K.)Iraq (Mesopotamia) Kuwait Italy Turkey Russia U.A.E. Qatar Saudi Arabia Norway India Sri Lanka (Celon) Nepal Pakistan Iran (Persia) Japan Bangladesh Afghanistan Argentina Chile Cuba Brazil Indonesia Israel South Africa (3 capitals) Thailand (Siam) Germany China Australia     WashingtonWellingtonParisLondonBaghdad Kuwait Rome...
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Minerals mines of India, facts of India, General Knowledge.

  MINERALS Bauxite                                                                                                 Jharkhand Copper                                                                                                 Jharkhand Iron                                                                                                       Goa Petroleum                  ...
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Important Geographical Facts, World Facts, General Knowledge.

  IMPORTANT  GEOGRAPHICAL  FACTS   Largest continent                                                                                                             Asia   Largest ocean                                                          ...
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List of Hill Stations of India, General Knowledge.

  HILLS STATIONS OF INDIA    NAME                                                                                                  STATE   Dalhousie                                                                                           Himachal Pradesh Gulmarg                        ...
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Indian Cities of River Banks, General Knowledge.

  INDIAN CITIES OF RIVER BANKS   CITY                                                                                                                RIVER                                       Agra                                                                                                                      Yamuna Allahabad    ...
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Important Battles in Indian History, General Knowledge.

  IMORTANT BATTLES IN INDIAN HISTORY   Battle Hydaspes, 326 BC                Between            Alexander and Porus Kalinga War, 261-BC                       Between           Ashoka and King of Kalinga (Orissa) First Battle of Tarain or                  Between            Prithvi Raj Chauhan                         Won  Prithvi Thaneswar, 1191 AD          ...
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National emblems of different countries, General Knowledge.

  NATIONAL EMBLEMS   Australia                                                              Kangaroo Canada                                                                 White Lily Iran                                                                        Rose India                                                                      Lioned Capital, Lotus Japan                                                                    Chrysanthemum Sri Lanka                                                              Lion Bangladesh                                                          Water Lilly France                                    ...
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