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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 8

Facts of The World – 8 731. The soap ‘501’, originally made by Tata Oil Mills Ltd, and later acquired by Hindustan level Ltd., was India’s first branded detergent bar. 732. The ‘H.B.’ mark on pencils stands for hard Black. 733. ‘Aspirin’ is the most successful retail branded drug in medical history. It has been around for over 100 year. 734. ‘Samsung’, the consumer electronics company, got its name from the...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 7

Facts of The World – 7 721. The Bible is the largest selling book in the world. 722. Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian – American woman to travel into space. 723. The original name of the Rani of Jhansi was ‘ Manikarnika’. 724. Gulliver of ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ was a doctor and not a sailor. 725. The cotton industry had developed in India during the Mohenjo –Daro period (about 2,500 B.C....
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 6

Facts of The World – 6 711. A single drop of liquid can contain 50 million bacteria. 712. Bats are the only mammals that are able to fly. 713. Rainwater contains vitamin B-12 714. A boomerang , if it hits anything, cannot return to the thrower. 715. Popular beliefs hold that three wise men from the east visited Bethlehem bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. But however, there is no mention...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 5

Facts of The World – 5 701. Soldiers, explorers and athletes eat chocolate as a source of quick energy. Chocolates are good for cough. Researchers at the Imperial College in London have found that people suffering from cough benefited by eating chocolates. Chocolates contain theobromine, which helps to suppress the nerve activity responsible for causing cough. Theobromine was found to be more effective than the standard codeine in treating cough. Another...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of The World” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 3

Facts of The World – 3 681. Bricks are the oldest construction material manufactured by man and were used in Egypt more than 7,000 year ago. 682. The correct name for flu is ‘influenza’. The name comes from an Italian word, meaning ‘Influence’. 683. Spaghetti and Italy always seem to go together. Yet, it was not the Italians who invented Spaghetti. It was, however, Marco Polo, the great Italian explorer who...
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