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Essay on “Population Explosion-Remedies ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Population Explosion-Remedies India is in the phase of population explosion. This phase comes when the birth rate declines slowly but death rate is very slow due to advancement in medical sciences and better quality of life. The rate of growth of population is still more than 2 percent. According to the Census of 1991, population of India is 84 crores. Every minute 40 children are born. It is really explosion...
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Essay on “Child Labour In India ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Child Labour In India Essay No. 01 Child labour is a crime against humanity. Children are working when they are supposed to play and read. The sad thing is that they work under difficult conditions. The struggle for existence begins at a very early age for them. Everybody is responsible for this crime-society, government, individuals. Socio-economic conditions are directly responsible for child labour in India. The attitudes in society, the...
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Essay on “Changing Idea of Family ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Changing Idea of Family Family is the very basic unit of any society. It has universal functions ranging from reproduction to internalization of values and norms. Through families the norms and values of society are transferred from one generation to the other. There are two types of families broadly, one is ` joint family’ and the other is `nuclear family’. Now-a-days, the trend is towards nuclear family due to industrialization...
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Essay on “Crime Against Women” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Crime Against Women Crime against women has been on increase. It has existed in the past in almost all countries, regions, cultures and communities. The crime has much to do with the existing low status of women prevalent in our society. The violence is at various levels. It is at physical, mental, emotional, domestic and public. They are the most oppressed, subjugated section of society. Though various measures at education,...
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Essay on “Whither Indian Youth ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

   Whither Indian Youth The old uphold traditional values, conservative ideologies and customary outlook. The young represent the emerging patterns, newly adopted ways of life and the nascent tendencies. If the old are proud of their accumulated wisdom, which has been tested and verified through experience, the young are confidently ambitious of winning their goal, which they have conceived and modeled according to the new fledged hopes. The younger are liberal...
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Essay on “Drug Addiction ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Drug Addiction  Essay No. 01 The major cities of India are in the grip of the drug menace. This devastating vice finishes off the addicts by debilitating them physically and psychologically. A seminar on Drug Abuse held recently in Madras has painted a horrible picture of this malady. The most disturbing fact is that the university campuses, college premises and school grounds nourish this evil more and more. Drug addiction...
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Essay on “Poverty Eradication Programmes-How Far Successful?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Poverty Eradication Programmes-How Far Successful? Poverty is the greatest problem India is facing today. Poverty is a curse on Indian society. More than 40% of India’s population lives below poverty line. They do not have enough money to have two meals per day. Various planning and programmes have been introduced to fight this disease but the result has been far from satisfactory. Poverty apart from economic factor has various psychological...
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Essay on “Fifty Years of Indian Planning” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  Fifty Years of Indian Planning Planning is very essential for any nation to achieve economic development. When India attained its independence, it has to face problems like poverty, economic inequality and social inequalities, etc. In order to achieve the goal of economic development, India planned its economy. It went for five years plans started in 1951. Planning Commission and National Development Council were set up. In the last fifty years...
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