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Posts tagged "Computer Science"
Computer Science (New) CLASS-XI (Code No. 083) 2019-20 Learning Outcomes: 1. Ability to understand basic computational thinking. 2. Ability to understand the notion of data types, data structures. 3. Ability to appreciate the notion of an algorithm, and understand its structure, including how algorithms handle corner cases. 4. Ability to develop a basic understanding of computer systems – architecture, OS, mobile and cloud computing. 5. Ability to learn basic SQL programming....
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July 24, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 122 Comments
Computer Science (New) CLASS-XII Code No. 083 2019-20 1. Prerequisites Computer Science- Class XI 2. Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the concept of functions and recursion. 2. Learn how to create and use Python libraries. 3. Learn file handling. 4. Learn about the concept of efficiency in algorithms and computing in general. 5. Learn basic data structures: lists, stacks, and queues. 6. Get a basic understanding of computer networks: network stack, basic...
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July 24, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 122 Comments
Prelims.pdf Chapter1.pdf Chapter10.pdf Chapter11.pdf Chapter12.pdf Chapter13.pdf Chapter2.pdf Chapter3.pdf Chapter4.pdf Chapter5.pdf Chapter6.pdf Chapter7.pdf Chapter8.pdf Chapter9.pdf
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December 23, 2014 evirtualguru_ajaygourClass 12, Computer Science, Computers and Communication Technology Cover, E-Books, IT Application, NCERT, Vocational 11-12No Comment
We don’t have to bother about ‘where’ and ‘how’ the Data has to be ‘stored’ in the memory. It also keeps the track of the currently used memory and allocates new memory for the data to be used. Job Scheduling Functions: The Operating System undertakes the Job Scheduling Functions. If multiple tasks are there, it schedules the jobs according to their priority and keeps track of which task/work is to be...
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May 9, 2014 evirtualguru_ajaygourComputer Science, eVirtualGuruNo Comment
Introduction During the 20th century the key technology has been information gathering m processing and distribution. 1. Among other developments the installation of worldwide telephone networks, the birth and un-expected growth of the Computer Industry, and the launching of communication satellites. 2. As we have entered in 21st century, these area rapidly converging. 3. The old a single computer serving all of the organization needs, is rapidly being reposed...
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May 7, 2014 evirtualguru_ajaygourComputer Science, NetworkingNo Comment
Semantically data can exists in either of the two forms – atomic or structured. In most of the programming problems data to be read, processed and written are often related to each other. Data items are related in a variety of different ways. Whereas the basic data types such as integers, characters etc. can be directly created and manipulated in a programming language, the responsibility of creating the structured type data...
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May 6, 2014 evirtualguru_ajaygourComputer Science, Data structuresNo Comment
Computer is a machine that manipulates information. The study of Computer Science therefore, inevitably, includes the study of how information is organized in a Computer, how it can be manipulated and how it can be utilized. Thus, it is exceedingly important to understand the concept of information organization and manipulation. Computer Science can be defined as the study of the data, its representation and transformation by a digital computer. A computer...
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May 6, 2014 evirtualguru_ajaygourComputer Science, Data structuresNo Comment
An Operating System is needed because of the following jobs:- 1. It acts as an interface between User and Computer Hardware. The Operating System assists in the execution of the user programs. The Operating System proves and environment in which particular Software packages can execute. 2. it process jobs submitted by user : A user solutions job to the Operating System. A job is the collection of activities several steps. Job steps...
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May 5, 2014 evirtualguru_ajaygourComputer Science, Operating SystemNo Comment